Quick off topic on ---- > @ Homebrew and frankenbuilds .......... would systems that have been ' edited ' with Enthusiasts win 11 tool be classifyed as homebrew and / or frankenbuilds ? < ---- Quick off topic off .
[About LCU capability for updated image reconstruction] A tool like BeyondCompare is useful to compare WinSxS folder between official and reconstruted images. The WinSxS of a reconstructed updated image must be matched with that of official updated image, otherwise the reconstructed image won't be accepted by upcoming LCU. Usually, they are missing f/n/r. Q: What if there is no official updated image to compare? A: Fetch missing f/n/r from cab+psf baseless LCU for related packages used for reconstruction. i.e. Extract counterpart packages from baseless LCU, and copy\paste folders to the WinSxS folder of reconstructed image. PS. Folders only, mum\cat and manifest files are not needed.
Q: What Certificates package is used for Microsoft-Windows-ContainerOSPlusEdition? A: The same package used for Professional (CompositionEditionID). i.e. Enterprise. Code: Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Enterprise-Package Code: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion] "CompositionEditionID"="Enterprise" "EditionID"="Enterprise" PS. [Package Relationship] Microsoft-Windows-ContainerOSPlusEdition Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-ContainerOSPlus-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-ContainerOSTest-Package Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-Component-SKU-Enterprise-Package Q: Possible to reconstruct? A: No. It appears in LCUs only, being lack of initial source.
Have a question, which as I know you don't like. I want for collection purposes to restore Starter & StarterN 1904x. Have finished playing with S/SN/SEval/SNEval. I don't care about activation. Where to start? Would the resulted image accept offline updates?
You may search previous posts. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...nstruction-project.80939/page-44#post-1627727
Ask a question, I made 22000EnterpriseS or IOTEnterpriseS, the right-click of the start menu does not work, but how to add Enterprise certificate in C:\Windows\System32\spp\tokens\skus\ and reset the certificate, the right-click of the start menu is valid, how to explain ?
I used 19044.1151 Certificates.In the case of IOTEnterpriseS, custom update to 22000.132, there will be additional items in RemovedEditionBasedSelectableUpdates, and I don’t know how to deal with it later.
All naturally? Or manually? Why I never have them? Oh, It must be IoTEnterpriseS before LCU is applied! OK, wait. But I have not made it yet. Dismiss.