22000 feels that there will not be any new features, I am very interested in how to use the subsequent versions “mum2:EnableSelectabilityForEdition name="Microsoft-Windows-EnterpriseGEdition" and ”mum2:EnableSelectabilityForEdition name="Microsoft-Windows-IoTEnterpriseSEdition".
Q: What is Embedded? A: It is sort of Windows Imaging and Configuration Designer (Windows ICD) https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/windows-10-imaging-customization-and-deployment.59187/
And you will teach as how to do it? It will be really god.... Now I'm going to sleep because it's really late here, 1:25 in the morning and I've been awake since 5:30 in the morning yesterday, good night my friend.
Yes, have a deep look, the 22449 is really different. e.g. by zhanglin https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-233#post-1686670