Experimenting and learning is a really good thing. But Thinking that the bloatware/spyare is somewhat proportional to the version name is wrong. Speaking of untouched images Server is surely the less bloated windows of the family and Core is the more bloated, which is very counter-intuitive but still is a fact. That said, if your scope is lean and clean intallation you can use any windows version and reduce it to your liking with DISM and/or MSMG and/or any similar SW, if you start from CORE you have just to remove more things,than starting from LTSC or Server, to reach roughly the same result, that's all
Hi dear friend @acer-5100 This command can also be used on an offline image. Can you teach me how to do this please? Thanks in advanced Regards @JeepWillys58
@xinso Is there an edition called EnterpriseGEval? I like the entg policy and enteval without activation.
not tested but should be Code: Get-WindowsOptionalFeature -Path <path_to_offline_image> | where { $_.State -match "Disabled" } | foreach { $_ = $_.FeatureName; DISM /image:<path_to_offline_image> /Disable-Feature /FeatureName:$_ /Remove }
LGPO in simple to parse Local GPO to Txt ===== > do changes Rebuild POL from parsed txt. then apply pol via same LGPO Used Several Times Since 2019 indeed a great utility.
hello again my friend @acer-5100 ... I used the command as described, running Powershell in Admin mode and all the results returned that it ran successfully, it took more than 5 minutes on my current machine, but when I open "Turn Windows features on or off" all features that according to my understanding, by the /Remove option, they should be removed, remain in the available panel, with this command they shouldn't even be removed from the panel? Sorry in advance for my inexperience on the subject... And also thanks in advance for any help. Good computing! Kind Regards @JeepWillys58
No Like I wrote before... Just try to enable something, if windows ask for an external source.. it worked But best way to check is comparing the size of \windows\winsxs before and after the process. The point is to recover space, after all Perhaps keep in mind that the above process is more effective in Win server where almost everything is optional In client MSMG is the preferred way to remove the (hidden) crap.
Q: Is it possible to have pending tasks to be fullfilled before installation? What is the pending tasks? What if 1. update without the pending tasks 2. resetbase 3. install the pending tasks 4. unmount Q: How to take out the pending tasks from the LCU?