Does that keep Windows-Defender-AM-Default-Definitions-Package? - i just used @whatever127 pack for EnterpriseG 19041 as template i did not invest much into changing the steps or commands i don't think N edition worth it maybe for arm64 if possible does arm64 LCU contain components for EnterpriseS?
A1: Of course. I'd double-tested it with your scripts and mine, no problem at all. A2: If not convenient, no worries; If convenient, it'll be much appreciated. A3: 19044 EnterpriseS(N) arm64 are available (except Win32Calc). ATM, this is the solution for Microsoft-Windows-win32calc-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~arm64~~10.0.19041.1.mum. Code: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3" manifestVersion="1.0" copyright="Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved."> <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-win32calc-Package" version="10.0.19041.1" processorArchitecture="arm64" language="neutral" buildType="release" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" /> <package identifier="win32calc-Package" releaseType="Feature Pack"> <parent integrate="delegate"> <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package" version="10.0.19041.1" processorArchitecture="arm64" language="neutral" buildType="release" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" /> </parent> </package> </assembly>
Only ran into one problem. Cannot connect to my bluetooth earbuds. Edit: It's the same with LTSC 2021. I need to re-add my bluetooth earbuds everytime I use it