Oh. What does the watermark (which is at the bottom right corner) say? "For testing purposes only" or "Evaluation copy"?
"Evaluation copy" = Restart every few hours when expired (It is on official 14393.0, so it won't get BSOD.)
"An error occurred while configuring the Windows foundation image." This is the error when I try to convert a staged ISO to unstaged. Edit: I forgot to add Starter.cat and Starter.mum files. Now trying once more.
Yes. It is. I don't think this is a good idea. That's what I tried to do. Extract the "Packages" folder from 14357.1000 to drive root. Create the folders "Users" and "Windows" Add needed files from staged 15063.0 ISO. Replace all "14357.1000" mentions with "15063.0" via any third party software. This includes the filenames. Extract the full .cab files (cab+psf merged) and overwrite if asks. Add license.rtf files to system32 folder. DISM /capture-image and give these properties. Name: "Windows Longhorn Client", Description: "Windows Longhorn Client (15063.0.amd64fre.rs2_release.170317-1834) EDITIONS:<any edition name goes here, separate the SKU names via comma.>" Flag: "Windows Foundation" Edit the ISO; Add lp.cab file for any language to this folder: <ISO root>\langpacks\xx-XX\lp.cab and replace the install.wim file. Save the ISO and test. That was just mixing files from 14357.1000. And I don't know why, but I expected it to work. Obviously it didn't work.
I thought I need the full .cab files, since 14393's cab+psf files can not be found on UUP Dump. 15063 is the earliest available build that you can find the cab+psf files.
I essentially recreated the entire unstaged wim layout for 10537 by using 10586.1000 Server arm64 and 14357.1000 amd64 as reference.
They don't have cab+psf. You must have meant UUP packages. Available cab+psf: 17763 19041 20348 Good night.
On prereleases certs from final aren't working. But there is Hypercore 2016 TP4 which is both prerelease and requires no activation, for sure it works on Server 2016 TP4 (still alive and kicking) after 6 years. @xinso did you try replacing certs with x86 ones?