Test modded config if the unstaged image being applied to a partition can boot to OOBE, and accepted by LCUs. Offline Update OK. Windows Update failed --> Shutdown and Update, OK. The registry. I modified SOFTWARE only. OK. Test remove all SKU packages without removing binaries..
Q: How about converting zh-CN EnterpriseG or CMGE to en-US;zh-CN? 1. replace 15063.0 \Windows\System32\spp\tokens\skus\EnterpriseG\EnterpriseG-ppdlic.xrm-ms with that of 17134.1. 2. modify following product policy. from Code: Kernel-MUI-Language-Allowed zh-CN to Code: Kernel-MUI-Language-Allowed en-US;zh-CN
@xinso what was your answer because there was an alert you quote my question "Is it there Windows 11 CMGE release?"
Okay, I hope to see here a link to the NEW official version CMGE_V2022-L.XXXX.iso (20H1_19041.1) or CMGE_V2022-L.XXXX.iso (21H2_19044.1) It is always better to start from the beginning, not from the middle. ... Although the old version CMGE_V2020-L.1207.iso (10.0.17763.774) is updated fine
Code: EnterpriseG 21H2 V2022-L.1345.000 [19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406] download.cmgos.com/oem/login 0101000000000
Missing ")" at the end. Code: echo. echo Removing %SVER% updates copy /y files\DelUpdate\. %MT%\Windows\servicing\Packages >NUL 2>&1 for /f %%x in ('findstr /i . files\DelUpdate.txt 2^>nul') do ( reg load HKLM\SOFTWARE1 %MT%\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE >nul reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE1\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\%%x" /v Visibility /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f >nul reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE1\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\Packages\%%x\Owners" /f >nul reg unload HKLM\SOFTWARE1 >nul dism /english /quiet /image:%MT% /Remove-package /Packagename:%%x )
Thanks for the official link. This is equal in checksum with this archive: https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...s-china-government.80933/page-10#post-1719969 This is interesting, is this the LATEST version of the official release? I have installed V2022-L.1345 [zh-CN], but the online update does not work. i also tried installing CMGE_V2020-L.1207[zh-CN], then updated it to V2022-L.1345[zh-CN], but the online update doesn't work either. It's interesting, is the online update for V2022-L.1345 disabled? Will the update only work over the corporation's internal network? Or do I need a Chinese IP address? Of course, I can enable the update if I change the Group Policy... but that's another way.
Test converting 19044.1561 Windows 10 CMGE amd64 zh-CN Oflline System to 19041.1 Enterprise LTSC amd64 en-US for example. 1. Reset base 2. Install 19041.1 LTSC 3. Uninstall LCU if existed 4. Install any target language pack 5. Install any target language features 6. Install FOD 7. Install FOD any target language packs 8. (Optional) Install updates After restart, update, because CMGE settings needs latest LCU to work with. No need if source Edition is non-CMGE, e.g. ServerDatacenter, Enterprise. PS: Don't set key because the installed system has not been sysprepped.