It works. Still needs polishing. You forgot to install key. Without installing key, all Parent and Virtual editions will be installed with same default key of the Parent edition. e.g. Core SKU Core, Parent CoreSingleLanguage, Virtual Without installing key, two editions will be installed with Core's default key. Pro SKU has more Virtual editions. If no key, every edition will be installed with Pro's default key "Enterprise".
Good. But why the Professiona Edition is installed as "Enterprise"? Code: [install] Edition=Professional Lang=xx-XX Timezone="Xxxxxx Standard Time"
Enterprise is essentially Professional with a different key. The main "core" editions of client Windows that still exist are Core and Professional (well, technically PPIPro, EnterpriseS and EnterpriseG are still separate editions as well (not virtual)). Every other edition is virtual (ProfessionalWorkstation, Education, ServerRdsh, etc.)
When I add the file, then I get this error instead: Code: Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.17763.1697 Image Version: 10.0.22000.1 Error: 0x80004003 DISM failed. No operation was performed. For more information, review the log file. The DISM log file can be found at logs\unattend.log Press any key to continue . . . I think it should be a problem with wincore.wim file. Because boot.wim, install.wim and winre.wim files are copied from this file.
Native image problem:core/corecountryspecific, same. professional, all languages, same. ppiproifferent coren, professionaln, different. Solution: Extract from every *_en-us.esd More problem:, are missing Solution: extract from *_netfx4_*_ni_dll in winsxs.
I had to consider CompositionEditionID even in my s**tty auto.cmd for upgrades (MediaCreationTool.bat). It's such an oversight for the kind of script you're developing - listen to the experts and implement it
How about this: search for Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-xxxxxx-Package.esd. The bundle of editions are all in it
You got stuck with so many errors, all for the script is not perfect. Ask gailium119 to redo a working one for you.