You didn't understand what I said, if "6-BootWim.cmd" is "EOF" in these two places, it will not uninstall and save the image, if it is "Save", it will uninstall and save the image, complete unstagedboot.wim production. The "6-BootWim.cmd" in the two "unstaged" downloaded before and after is different.
It takes a lot of time to put the script together. Also I found the universal files need to be downloaded from uup: 1.*.cab (ALL fods) 2.*.esd (Except esds like professional_en-us.esd) 3.*.en-us.esd 4.professional_*.esd 5.*countryspecific_zh-cn.esd
For latest build, unless you tell users that the created image is Single Edition, the Edition(s) to be upgraded to should be included (as an official image does).
Than I should add a EditionStaged.txt to the script. Didn't you notice the xml creation code is stageable?
Q: Is it possible switching from Windows Pro VL to Home? A: Yes. Solution a: Change registry EditionID. Solution b: Offline-Switch with Reconstruction way.
Four wims created in unstaged script, put them in the root folder of sxsstage. Note: modify the _imgs folder to create custom image.
10537.1000_Unstaged_Combo_amd64 Create-Single.cmd Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: SKU=23 :: SKU=CoreARM, CoreConnectedCountrySpecific, CoreConnected, CoreConnectedSingleLanguage, CoreCountrySpecific, Core, CoreSingleLanguage :: SKU=Education :: SKU=EmbeddedIndustryA, EmbeddedIndustryEEval, EmbeddedIndustryE, EmbeddedIndustryEval, EmbeddedIndustry :: SKU=EnterpriseEval, Enterprise, EnterpriseSEval, EnterpriseS :: SKU=PPIPro :: SKU=Professional, ProfessionalS, ProfessionalStudent, ProfessionalWMC :: SKU=Starter :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: set TARGET=Starter :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: set LANG=en-US set ARCH=amd64 set LVER=10.0.10537.1000 set SVER=10537.1000 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: rmdir /q /s temp >NUL 2>&1 mkdir temp >NUL 2>&1 mkdir temp\mount >NUL 2>&1 set MT=temp\mount :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: copy /y files\install.wim install.wim >NUL 2>&1 copy /y files\xml\%TARGET%.xml files\packages\1.xml >NUL 2>&1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
I said, it is hard to differ fods langpacks and normal fods. Once it's done, the whole build (All fods, langpacks and editions)can be created.Or you can change lang.txt
Is it possible to create any edition with any language via unstaged way? For example: CoreCountrySpecific in en-us or ProfessionalN in ru-ru. Do not forget lang2.txt.
Yes. Remove any language you don't want from lang.txt and lang2.txt files. Just make sure these files are same. Or script might fail.