I "compared" any file. https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-396#post-1735399
Why shouldn't them be the same? SxS compression and decompression does not break the hash of the manifest, do they?
Excuse me, to use pureSxS, is it necessary to install python.exe? I already know how to use it, it works very well, and I look forward to your improved version.
how to check with uup? my actually the problem is I can't change Indonesian completely in the settings display there is still English partially I followed this step but failed //win10.guru/create-a-multilingual-windows-10-install-media/
Spoiler Ask a question, such as the file "BCD-Template", after the system runs Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase, the BCD-Template will be compressed and become smaller, is there any way to make the compressed BCD-Template return to normal size?
@gailium119, @xinso Is there any way to get *.cat and *.mum files for virtual editions? Code: Enterprise Education ProfessionalEducation ProfessionalWorkstation EnterpriseN EducationN ProfessionalEducationN ProfessionalWorkstationN CoreSingleLanguage ServerRdsh The following editions are not virtual. But their packages might exist. Code: Cloud CloudN EnterpriseEval EnterpriseG EnterpriseGN EnterpriseNEval EnterpriseSEval EnterpriseSNEval Starter StarterN I'm going to unstage Windows 10 v1809 (17763.1.rs5_release.180914-1434). If it's impossible to get *.cat and *.mum for these editions, will modding from Core, CoreN, Professional, ProfessionalN work out? I'm asking this since I can only see packages for base editions in \Windows\servicing\packages. After that, I'll unstage Server counterpart with same version. Here are the screenshots: Spoiler: Index for Education edition Spoiler: No Microsoft-Windows-EducationEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1 Spoiler: Microsoft-Windows-ProfessionalEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.17763.1
Parent & Virtual is defined in C:\Windows\servicing\Editions\EditionMappings.xml. For Virtual, just copy and rename Parent edition's cat & mum. e.g. CoreSingleLanguage is Virtual edition of Core. 1. Copy Core.cat & Core.mum 2. Rename Core-copied.cat & Core-copied.mum as CoreSingleLanguage.cat & CoreSingleLanguage.mum.
https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-updated-2013-09-30.48325/page-6#post-1712898 Replacing SxSv1's SxSExtract.vbs with this SxSExtract.vbs will give no extraction errors. Spoiler