Test creating 22621.1 Unstaged images amd64 uk-UA Code: =========================================================================================== Create 22621.1 Unstaged images amd64 uk-UA =========================================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------ Extract packages ------------------------------------------------------------ Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package.ESD Creating files: 18226 of 18226 (100%) done Extracting file data: 2328 MiB of 2328 MiB (100%) done Applying metadata to files: 18226 of 18226 (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-WOW64-Package.ESD Creating files: 6493 of 6493 (100%) done Extracting file data: 625 MiB of 625 MiB (100%) done Applying metadata to files: 6493 of 6493 (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package.ESD Creating files: 6798 of 6798 (100%) done Extracting file data: 927 MiB of 927 MiB (100%) done Applying metadata to files: 6798 of 6798 (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package.ESD Creating files: 3200 of 3200 (100%) done Extracting file data: 277 MiB of 277 MiB (100%) done Applying metadata to files: 3200 of 3200 (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-Package.ESD Creating files: 7426 of 7426 (100%) done Extracting file data: 674 MiB of 674 MiB (100%) done Applying metadata to files: 7426 of 7426 (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-WOW64-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 24 MiB of 24 MiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Professional-Package.ESD Creating files: 3083 of 3083 (100%) done Extracting file data: 209 MiB of 209 MiB (100%) done Applying metadata to files: 3083 of 3083 (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-Professional-WOW64-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 919 KiB of 919 KiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 28 KiB of 28 KiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Not-Supported-On-LTSB-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 48 MiB of 48 MiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Not-Supported-On-LTSB-WOW64-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 27 KiB of 27 KiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 145 MiB of 145 MiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 64 MiB of 64 MiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Required-ShellExperiences-Desktop-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 44 MiB of 44 MiB (100%) done Done extracting files. Extracting Microsoft-Windows-Required-ShellExperiences-Desktop-WOW64-Package.ESD Extracting file data: 6608 KiB of 6608 KiB (100%) done Done extracting files. ------------------------------------------------------------ Prepare sources ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Download professional_uk-ua.esd ------------------------------------------------------------ 07/05 20:39:26 [NOTICE] Downloading 1 item(s) [#7db3b5 0B/0B CN:1 DL:0B] 07/05 20:39:27 [NOTICE] Download complete: Z:/Unstaged-Wim-Creation-WinRE/temp/aria2_script.1775.txt Download Results: gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI ======+====+===========+======================================================= 7db3b5|OK | 315B/s|Z:/Unstaged-Wim-Creation-WinRE/temp/aria2_script.1775.txt Status Legend: (OK):download completed. Attempting to download files... 07/05 20:39:27 [NOTICE] Downloading 1 item(s) 07/05 20:39:27 [NOTICE] Allocating disk space. Use --file-allocation=none to disable it. See --file-allocation option in man page for more details. [#ec353d 661MiB/661MiB(100%) CN:0] [Checksum:#ec353d 563MiB/661MiB(85%)] 07/05 20:39:57 [NOTICE] Verification finished successfully. file=temp/professional_uk-ua.esd 07/05 20:39:57 [NOTICE] Download complete: temp/professional_uk-ua.esd Download Results: gid |stat|avg speed |path/URI ======+====+===========+======================================================= ec353d|OK | 28MiB/s|temp/professional_uk-ua.esd Status Legend: (OK):download completed. ------------------------------------------------------------ Export uk-UA winre.wim ------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.746 Exporting image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------ Capture base image ------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.746 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------ Capture install image ------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.746 Saving image [==========================100.0%==========================] The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------ Set wim information ------------------------------------------------------------ Flags: Windows Foundation Image Name: Windows 11 Client Image Description: Windows 11 Client (22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250) Editions:CloudEdition,Education,Enterprise,IoTEnterprise,ProfessionalCountrySpecific,Professional,ProfessionalEducation,ProfessionalSingleLanguage,ProfessionalWorkstation,ServerRdsh =========================================================================================== 22621.1 Unstaged images amd64 uk-UA have been successfully created. =========================================================================================== Mission took 0:4:28.53 (268.53s total) Press any key to continue . . .
I don't know if I'm the only one who gets this quirk about unstaged. But my unstaged image does not install every edition: I meant if I select one the following editions, setup will install Enterprise edition instead of respective edition: Code: Education IoTEnterprise ProfessionalCountrySpecific Professional ProfessionalEducation ProfessionalSingleLanguage ProfessionalWorkstation ServerRdsh Same goes for these editions that install EnterpriseN instead: Code: EducationN ProfessionalN ProfessionalEducationN ProfessionalWorkstationN For the following editions, setup can't find license agreement: Code: EnterpriseEval EnterpriseG EnterpriseGN EnterpriseNEval I have yet to test other editions. It looks like either some manifest files are missing that I can't find or .mum files has to be modified manually.
I use this to distinguish 22621 and 22622: Code: if defined LCU ( for /f "tokens=7 delims=~." %%x in ('dir /b %LCU%\Microsoft-Windows-EnterpriseSEdition~*~%ARCH%~~*.mum') do (set UBR=%%x) ) else (set UBR=%V4%) if /i %UBR% geq 290 (set V3=22622) else (set V3=22621) V1=10 V2=0 V3=22621 V4=1 Microsoft-Windows-EnterpriseSEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.22621.290.mum 290 = %UBR% if /i %UBR% geq 290 (set V3=22622) Not educated, yet working fine. Code: echo. echo =================================================================================================== echo Create %V3%.%UBR% %DISP% %ARCH% %LANG% echo =================================================================================================== --> Code: =================================================================================================== Create 22622.290 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 en-US =================================================================================================== Mountain won't turn? I turn.
Hello I am newbie here. I would like to learn to reconstruct server 2022, after searching and read articles a few days, still can’t find how to start and how to make install.xml and uninstall xml. is there any example ?Would you please help to instruct? Thanks. Mr. xinso and zhanglin
Nah, this is the wrong way, 22621 also has 290 update, just won't install Microsoft-Windows-Product-Data-SV2Moment1-EKB-Package and doesn't have new features enabled.
Good finding. How about this? Code: if exist %E%\*KB5015669*%UARC%* if /i %UBR% geq 290 (set V3=22622) else (set V3=22621) [without Enablement] Code: =================================================================================================== Create 22621.290 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 en-US =================================================================================================== [with Enablement] Code: =================================================================================================== Create 22622.290 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise LTSC amd64 en-US =================================================================================================== Good. Thanks. One more thing. Code: if exist %E%\*KB5015669*%UARC%* if /i %UBR% geq 290 ( echo. echo ------------------------------------------------------------ echo Add SV2Moment1 Enablement echo ------------------------------------------------------------ dism /english /image:%MT% /add-package:%E% ) Great. Thanks.
I suggest the Product data package since if it is installed standalone then the version also goes to 22622. Why not check the code to identify 19041/2/3/4/5?
No. It has to be triggered by Enablement. To be precise, check both Enablement and LCU build. I know. But as I said, I use only the latest. And I can have them all with 19041 + related updates.
The wrapper prevents LCU to install it when enablement not installed, but of course it could be installed manually.
No. The LCU will install it anyway. Enablement found, feature triggered and registered, otherwise stay inactive. Code: Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-Package Microsoft-Windows-All-Client-SV2Moments-EKB-Package Save your time to teach doqstar. He'd like to learn Server Reconstruction.
Yes. But Product Data is controlled by Enablement. Without valid Enablement, it is inactive (not registered to registry. Alike .NET 4.8, checked, enabled; uncheckd, disabled.). You don't need these packages if you would. Just add Feature code to registry, and modify Version number in related registry. Save your time to teach dogstar is more meaningful. You are good at Server Reconstruction. He is eager to learn Server Reconstruction. Perfect match.
Hi xinso, your script I modified as below, but system can't find path. I put SxSExpand.EXE in C:\Working\ Please help. I think I amost there set SD=C:\Working\datacenter.wim set FD=%SD%\mount\Windows\WinSxS\Manifests set TF=C:\Working\Manifests if exist %TF% rd /s /q %TF% if not exist %TF% md %TF% for /f %%i in ('dir /b %FD%\.') do (SXSEXPAND %FD%\%%i %TF%\%%i) :END pause exit
But, SAC = Two builds per Year AC = One build per Year Don't forget that Windows 11 22H2 has NOT been decided YET. And it is AC. One build ONLY. Be aware: It is SV2Moment1 Enablement, NOT regular H1\H2 Enablement. 22621? 22H2 22622? 22H2