When you need to re create a certificate (for example, Microsoft added an OID in the certificate), you do not need to ask the user to install a new certificate because the same root certificate has been installed.
You don't even NEED to install the certificate when servicing an offline image. Otherwise old insider builds will be unservicable.
long process & in daytime download speeds went bad to download visual studio + ewdk + sdk needed for makecat tool . pl share yours created cat file so that i can use it. thanks in advance. spent whole night in this with 0 results as only cat file is missing
As gailium119 said, you can use similar cat on the current system, because they will not be checked during offline installation.
but how could it initialize 20348 pro mum file ? doubt & confusion pl share yours 20348 pro cat file . i will be so much thankfull to you.
Should I be surprised? Obviously some server packages are named server Why I should waste my time to fix a problem I don't have? Solutions looking for a problem are not my type.
Well Upnpssdp is a problem ----The service is disabled by default. And there are hundreds of manifests like it.
Is a problem for people who need it. Just like msmpeg audio codec was a (small) problem for me. Small because you can just use the LAV codecs (that many people installs anyway). I fixed the problem years ago (I think the file was included until server 2016 tp3 or so), because it was impacting me.