I have tried only IoTEnterprise HWID activation and that works fine on ARM64. I could test 20H2 EnterpriseS ARM64 in English.
Network booting into the windows setup via WDS works. since the raspberry pi drivers are not in the boot.wim it won't get father because it won't get an ip address.
I have to find the guide I followed to get Windows working in QEMU with some networking, it was a bit buggy but still worked.
In theory it should be possible to HWID activate 17763.1 EnterpriseS in QEMU with massgravel, that is something what would be interesting to test. (But it needs a lot of patience because QEMU is slow as snail)
QEMU can read VHD disks, and those could be mounted in Windows. I usually use .vhd disks when making QEMU VMs because I can read and write on disk of installed system.
In theory mounted VHD with ARM64 Windows could be serviced with DISM. It needs to be tested to find out if it's possible.
Q: How to capture a package to readable folder instead of unreadable compressed cab even when extracted?
@EeroS @xinso I have got a new arm64 slc.dll now, that is theoretically supposed to make HWID work with any capable edition with 14393 ADK gatherosstate My plan was to buy a raspberry pi 400 to test this. Anyway, I was wondering if you guys can test it on your's QEMU if it can run such scripts, I can't imagine it running on my budget laptop. Let me know in PM if interested.
MAS project currently can HWID activate all official editions build (HWID capable) (including arm64) activation. The new arm64 slc.dll update is to reduce gatherosstate size, make it future proof for future editions (without having to use multiple gatherosstate). Few tweaks need to be done in script to support custom edition which I already did, just waiting to finish arm64 thing before posting it.
mr xinso, The file "19041.1_amd64_en-US_Professional_converted_to_EnterpriseG.zip" in mega was no longer available. I really want to test it. Would you upload it again? Greatly appreciate your help!