Hi everyone ! Im a newbie. I have a question: Is there anyway possible to use windows defender in EntG 19041? Thanks!
Can anybody elaborate these three specific steps a bit? Starting from step 6 I'm assuming that we for instance require a Windows 10 Pro 19041.1 ISO, from which we extract the install.wim But what does step 7 pertain to exactly? Do you just simply rename install.win to random_name.wim? Seeing "export a prerequisite index from it to new install.win" I'm assuming that step 7 is about cases where the wim file contains multiple editions, whereas you only want it to contain Pro? Then is it true that step 7 could be skipped when you already own a wim file that is only holding the edition Windows 10 Pro? But then in the last step, every ISO I possess already contains an identical EI.CFG file.
thanks @xinso for all your help went back to pro 19041.1 also added EnterpriseSEdition.xml to Windows\servicing\Editions
What good is it? Would it be better to rename IoTEnterpriseEdition.xml or EnterpriseEdition.xml for it?
you're the expert just use IoTEnterpriseEdition.xml or EnterpriseEdition.xml ? Update: I'll just make a copy of EnterpriseEdition.xml and rename it
Which edition to convert for EnterpriseG? 15063\16299 Enterprise 17134\17763\18362\19041\vNext Professional
And then BOOYAKA! next EternalBlue hits you because while you were idling in EnterpriseKLMNOPQ, you've missed out on the rapid-response fixes deployed via Windows Update Mean time this s**tty Home 2004 is idling at 1% out of 1.6Ghz (SpeedStep ftw) and 2.4/12GB RAM while browsing the web, with an uptime of a few days, real machine. Let's not tempt people into using this amazing project for the wrong reasons..
Neah, I'm just jelly of your CPU. Haven't tried your 2Sec-Edition-Switch method yet but I'm looking forward to it - it looks genius! Could be deployed on a schedule or something to update once a day, that is if LCUs and the increasingly aggressive push of "feature-experience" don't break stuff.
20H1 and 21H1 EnterpriseS 19041 Code: Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-EnterpriseS-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Common-RegulatedPackages-Package Microsoft-Windows-Common-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Required-ShellExperiences-Desktop-Package Microsoft-Windows-Required-ShellExperiences-Desktop-WOW64-Package 20262 Code: Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-EnterpriseS-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-Package Microsoft-Windows-Client-Features-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-Package Microsoft-Windows-EditionPack-Professional-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Common-RegulatedPackages-Package Microsoft-Windows-Common-RegulatedPackages-WOW64-Package Microsoft-Windows-Required-ShellExperiences-Desktop-Package Microsoft-Windows-Required-ShellExperiences-Desktop-WOW64-Package PS. 20H2 LCU and 21H1 have this new package: Microsoft-Windows-Desktop-BCDTemplate-Client-Package
No, it won't break anything except it will be removed or superceded by LCU or reset base - depending on which 2Sec way you used . I use it simply to 1. stop Feature update (Microsoft does not push it to latest versions of EnterpriseS) until when I decided to update, 2. see what MSFT might do to it. (This is why I don't use Group policy.) As for "feature-experience", I really won't mind how MSFT would test it. Relax. I won't mislead you because I have been using it for years. (Actually there are several 2Sec ways for diffrent purposes. I just shared two.)