Q: EntepriseS = EnterpriseSN + microsoft-windows-mediafeaturepack-oob-package? A: EnterpriseS --> Media Feature + Media Player EnterpriseSN + microsoft-windows-mediafeaturepack-oob-package --> Media Feature + Media Player + Multimedia-RestrictedCodecsDolby Multimedia-RestrictedCodecsDolby-Package.
(New here and still trying to piece everything together) While looking at some of the recent posts in this thread, it seems that the two files from the OP e.g. Microsoft-Windows-EnterpriseGEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1.cat Microsoft-Windows-EnterpriseGEdition~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.19041.1.mum ...are being used for any version through changing the build number into x.x.x.x and applying string manipulation from the installation script? But how would it work if you're looking to create an Enterprise GN? Would you require two entirely different files or does a different way of editing the mum file work? Does anybody have the specific two files for enterpriseGN?
Q: How to remove these two packages in official way? Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-UsbRedirector-Package Microsoft-Windows-TerminalServices-WMIProvider-Package
Yes, Windows Update is alright. But don't download it, I'll renew for stopping Windows Defender updates.
i never use windows update ... i was asking if i can update it with the latest monthly updates to integrate them offline , cause anyway i make my lite version .. thanks anyway and by the way 19041.685.201201-2105.VB_RELEASE_SVC_PROD1_CLIENTENTERPRISES_OEM_X64FRE_EN-US is a very nice one , but still i go back to 17763.1 LTSC Integrating the latest updates offline , it is more stable regarding the drivers and uses less system processes ...(manage to have only 50-60 processes and about 1 gb of ram ) . it is very useful for my encoding in x265 movies ...
1. Yes, it can be updated to date before your further chopping down. 2. Good for you. I heard "encoding in x265 movies" now and then from you. For Windows 10, the lower version the more like Windows 8.1.
My Lite is out of Windows way, yours is bruteforce. This edition has no Media feature, are you aware of it? I hope so.
Bruteforce .. but very functional and more than good for my day by day use... for some it will be to lite , no printers , no windows store app .. just the pure windows and you install whatever you want ... i would like to find a more easy and safe way of editing without using paid Ntlite , but i got used and with your help i find my way of building the very light and good for games and video editing .. can i integrate media feature ?
Step2. Delete related package from update.mum, and save. can you explain? and how do i use the codes provided ? .. sorry , i never did this before .. and i am willing to learn