Download Windows Server 2022 Standard 20348.2159 from here. Code: OR Then info on how to add Store is all you need.
I'm not sure it is currently the case, because otherwise @ntdev Tiny 11 could be constructed from scratch using exclusively an additive approach without removing any features/components/packages/.... Would this be a great demonstration to show that this is possible? This can be seen as a paradigm shift from a sculpture-based approach to a construction engineering approach.
I guess it should require a collaborative effort with key contributors of MDL and perhaps wider, but I'm expecting, it would be a paradigm shift and greatly simplify your job in the contributions about Reconstruction and Construction.
ModernApps are here, but i don't know how to add them. Code: and you can download them from here. Code:
Maybe look at, add store to windows 10 enterprises sku thread, maybe it could help with hints & tips. Code: P.S If you do figure it out, please post how in this thread, so the rest of us can learn how, Thanks in advance.
If it does not involve an unofficial Edition, there is no need to consider the construction, which will cause more problems.