Creating ISO working. Code: [14:09:38][Information] [CapturingImage][100%] Creating Windows 11 Enterprise G (install.wim) [14:10:16][Information] [CreatingISO][0%] Building D:\22621.1.220506-1250.NI_RELEASE_CLIENTENTG_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.iso [14:10:22][Information] [CreatingISO][1%] Building D:\22621.1.220506-1250.NI_RELEASE_CLIENTENTG_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.iso [14:10:24][Information] [CreatingISO][2%] Building D:\22621.1.220506-1250.NI_RELEASE_CLIENTENTG_OEMRET_X64FRE_EN-US.iso [Credits] Gus = for making program Sum_Ting_Wong = for sharing program & info & tips. xinso = helping with MY creating iso problem & other info & tips.
I'm pretty sure it recreates it from core. After initially failing to get 25941, though you seem to have found a command for it, I looked through the source and found a list of base editions it supports. In an ADHD moment I thought I would see what "Undefined" downloads. Spoiler: editions Code: Undefined = 0x00000000, Ultimate = 0x00000001, HomeBasic = 0x00000002, HomePremium = 0x00000003, Enterprise = 0x00000004, HomeBasicN = 0x00000005, Business = 0x00000006, StandardServer = 0x00000007, DatacenterServer = 0x00000008, SmallBusinessServer = 0x00000009, EnterpriseServer = 0x0000000A, Starter = 0x0000000B, DatacenterServerCore = 0x0000000C, StandardServerCore = 0x0000000D, EnterpriseServerCore = 0x0000000E, EnterpriseServerIA64 = 0x0000000F, BusinessN = 0x00000010, WebServer = 0x00000011, ClusterServer = 0x00000012, HomeServer = 0x00000013, StorageExpressServer = 0x00000014, StorageStandardServer = 0x00000015, StorageWorkgroupServer = 0x00000016, StorageEnterpriseServer = 0x00000017, ServerForSmallBusiness = 0x00000018, SmallBusinessServerPremium = 0x00000019, HomePremiumN = 0x0000001A, EnterpriseN = 0x0000001B, UltimateN = 0x0000001C, WebServerCore = 0x0000001D, MediumBusinessServerManagement = 0x0000001E, MediumBusinessServerSecurity = 0x0000001F, MediumBusinessServerMessaging = 0x00000020, ServerFoundation = 0x00000021, HomePremiumServer = 0x00000022, ServerForSmallBusinessV = 0x00000023, StandardServerV = 0x00000024, DatacenterServerV = 0x00000025, EnterpriseServerV = 0x00000026, DatacenterServerCoreV = 0x00000027, StandardServerCoreV = 0x00000028, EnterpriseServerCoreV = 0x00000029, HyperV = 0x0000002A, StorageExpressServerCore = 0x0000002B, StorageServerStandardCore = 0x0000002C, StorageWorkgroupServerCore = 0x0000002D, StorageEnterpriseServerCore = 0x0000002E, StarterN = 0x0000002F, Professional = 0x00000030, ProfessionalN = 0x00000031, SBSolutionServer = 0x00000032, ServerForSBSolutions = 0x00000033, StandardServerSolutions = 0x00000034, StandardServerSolutionsCore = 0x00000035, SBSolutionServerEM = 0x00000036, ServerForSBSolutionsEM = 0x00000037, SolutionEmbeddedServer = 0x00000038, SolutionEmbeddedServerCore = 0x00000039, ProfessionalEmbedded = 0x0000003A, EssentialBusinessServerMGMT = 0x0000003B, EssentialBusinessServerADDL = 0x0000003C, EssentialBusinessServerMGMTSVC = 0x0000003D, EssentialBusinessServerADDLSVC = 0x0000003E, SmallBusinessServerPremiumCore = 0x0000003F, ClusterServerV = 0x00000040, Embedded = 0x00000041, StarterE = 0x00000042, HomeBasicE = 0x00000043, HomePremiumE = 0x00000044, ProfessionalE = 0x00000045, EnterpriseE = 0x00000046, UltimateE = 0x00000047, EnterpriseEvaluation = 0x00000048, Unknown49, Prerelease = 0x0000004A, Unknown4B, MultipointStandardServer = 0x0000004C, MultipointPremiumServer = 0x0000004D, Unknown4E = 0x0000004E, StandardEvaluationServer = 0x0000004F, DatacenterEvaluationServer = 0x00000050, PrereleaseARM = 0x00000051, PrereleaseN = 0x00000052, Unknown53, EnterpriseNEvaluation = 0x00000054, EmbeddedAutomotive = 0x00000055, EmbeddedIndustryA = 0x00000056, ThinPC = 0x00000057, EmbeddedA = 0x00000058, EmbeddedIndustry = 0x00000059, EmbeddedE = 0x0000005A, EmbeddedIndustryE = 0x0000005B, EmbeddedIndustryAE = 0x0000005C, Unknown5D, Unknown5E, StorageWorkgroupEvaluationServer = 0x0000005F, StorageStandardEvaluationServer = 0x00000060, CoreARM = 0x00000061, CoreN = 0x00000062, CoreCountrySpecific = 0x00000063, CoreSingleLanguage = 0x00000064, Core = 0x00000065, Unknown66, ProfessionalWMC = 0x00000067, MobileCore = 0x00000068, EmbeddedIndustryEval = 0x00000069, EmbeddedIndustryEEval = 0x0000006A, EmbeddedEval = 0x0000006B, EmbeddedEEval = 0x0000006C, NanoServer = 0x0000006D, CloudStorageServer = 0x0000006E, CoreConnected = 0x0000006F, ProfessionalStudent = 0x00000070, CoreConnectedN = 0x00000071, ProfessionalStudentN = 0x00000072, CoreConnectedSingleLanguage = 0x00000073, CoreConnectedCountrySpecific = 0x00000074, ConnectedCAR = 0x00000075, IndustryHandheld = 0x00000076, PPIPro = 0x00000077, ARM64Server = 0x00000078, Education = 0x00000079, EducationN = 0x0000007A, IoTUAP = 0x0000007B, CloudHostInfrastructureServer = 0x0000007C, EnterpriseS = 0x0000007D, EnterpriseSN = 0x0000007E, ProfessionalS = 0x0000007F, ProfessionalSN = 0x00000080, EnterpriseSEvaluation = 0x00000081, EnterpriseSNEvaluation = 0x00000082, Unknown83, Unknown84, Unknown85, Unknown86, Holographic = 0x00000087, HolographicBusiness = 0x00000088, Unknown89 = 0x00000089, ProSingleLanguage = 0x0000008A, ProChina = 0x0000008B, EnterpriseSubscription = 0x0000008C, EnterpriseSubscriptionN = 0x0000008D, Unknown8E, DatacenterNanoServer = 0x0000008F, StandardNanoServer = 0x00000090, DatacenterAServerCore = 0x00000091, StandardAServerCore = 0x00000092, DatacenterWSServerCore = 0x00000093, StandardWSServerCore = 0x00000094, UtilityVM = 0x00000095, Unknown96, Unknown97, Unknown98, Unknown99, Unknown9A, Unknown9B, Unknown9C, Unknown9D, Unknown9E, DatacenterEvaluationServerCore = 0x0000009F, StandardEvaluationServerCore = 0x000000A0, ProWorkstation = 0x000000A1, ProWorkstationN = 0x000000A2, UnknownA3, ProForEducation = 0x000000A4, ProForEducationN = 0x000000A5, UnknownA6, UnknownA7, AzureServerCore = 0x000000A8, AzureNanoServer = 0x000000A9, UnknownAA = 0x000000AA, EnterpriseG = 0x000000AB, EnterpriseGN = 0x000000AC, UnknownAD, UnknownAE, ServerRDSH = 0x000000AF, UnknownB0, UnknownB1, Cloud = 0x000000B2, CloudN = 0x000000B3, HubOS = 0x000000B4, UnknownB5, OneCoreUpdateOS = 0x000000B6, CloudE = 0x000000B7, Andromeda = 0x000000B8, IoTOS = 0x000000B9, CloudEN = 0x000000BA, IoTEdgeOS = 0x000000BB, IoTEnterprise = 0x000000BC, Lite = 0x000000BD, UnknownBE, IoTEnterpriseS = 0x000000BF, XboxSystemOS = 0x000000C0, XboxNativeOS = 0x000000C1, XboxGameOS = 0x000000C2, XboxERAOS = 0x000000C3, XboxDurangoHostOS = 0x000000C4, XboxScarlettHostOS = 0x000000C5, XboxKeystone = 0x000000C6, AzureStackHCIServerCore = 0x00000196, DatacenterServerAzureEdition = 0x00000197, DatacenterServerCoreAzureEdition = 0x00000198
I used: .\uupdownload -s Undefined -v 10.0.22631.1 -r rp -t amd64 -c ni_release I'll try to track down the possible -r commands. I know WIF was one of them. I don't know what WIF is. Also, seems like a direct downgrade to Starter may still just be in the works, but that all the files necessary to build what starter can are available. If I read the TODOs and comments correctly. Spoiler: yet more source code Code: switch (targetEdition.PlannedEdition.AvailabilityType) { case AvailabilityType.Canonical: { if (PlatformUtilities.RunsAsAdministrator && targetEdition.PlannedEdition.AppXInstallWorkloads?.Length > 0) { // Allow AppX Slipstreaming result = BaseEditionBuilder.CreateBaseEditionWithAppXs( UUPPath, MediaPath, LanguageCode, targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, WinREWIMFilePath, InstallWIMFilePath, CompressionType, targetEdition.PlannedEdition.AppXInstallWorkloads, CompositionDatabases, tempManager, true, out vhdPath, progressCallback); } else { // Otherwise not result = BaseEditionBuilder.CreateBaseEdition( UUPPath, LanguageCode, targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, WinREWIMFilePath, InstallWIMFilePath, CompressionType, CompositionDatabases, tempManager, progressCallback); } if (!result) { goto exit; } break; } case AvailabilityType.VirtualEdition: { result = UUPMediaCreator.CreateUpgradedEditionFromMountedImage( VHDMountPath, targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, InstallWIMFilePath, true, CompressionType, tempManager, progressCallback); if (!result) { goto exit; } break; } case AvailabilityType.EditionUpgrade: { string newvhd = VHDUtilities.CreateDiffDisk(CurrentBackupVHD, tempManager); progressCallback?.Invoke(Common.Messaging.Common.ProcessPhase.ApplyingImage, true, 0, "Mounting VHD"); using VirtualDiskSession vhdSession = new(tempManager, existingVHD: newvhd); VHDMountPath = vhdSession.GetMountedPath(); result = UUPMediaCreator.CreateUpgradedEditionFromMountedImage( VHDMountPath, targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, InstallWIMFilePath, false, CompressionType, tempManager, progressCallback); if (!result) { goto exit; } break; } case AvailabilityType.EditionPackageSwap: { if (targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName.StartsWith("starter", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { // TODO // (Downgrade from core/coren to starter/startern) } else if (targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName.StartsWith("professionaln", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { // TODO // (Downgrade from ppipro to pron) } else if (targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName.StartsWith("professional", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) { // TODO // (Downgrade from ppipro to pro) } else { string newvhd = VHDUtilities.CreateDiffDisk(CurrentBackupVHD, tempManager); progressCallback?.Invoke(Common.Messaging.Common.ProcessPhase.ApplyingImage, true, 0, "Mounting VHD"); using VirtualDiskSession vhdSession = new(tempManager, existingVHD: newvhd); VHDMountPath = vhdSession.GetMountedPath(); result = BootlegEditionCreator.CreateHackedEditionFromMountedImage( UUPPath, MediaPath, VHDMountPath, targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, InstallWIMFilePath, CompressionType, tempManager, progressCallback); if (!result) { goto exit; } } break; } } if ((targetEdition.DestructiveTargets.Count > 0 || targetEdition.NonDestructiveTargets.Count > 0) && edition?.Equals(targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) != true) { if (vhdPath == null) { using VirtualDiskSession vhdSession = new(tempManager, delete: false); // Apply WIM _ = Constants.imagingInterface.GetWIMInformation(InstallWIMFilePath, out WIMInformationXML.WIM wiminfo); int index = int.Parse(wiminfo.IMAGE.First(x => x.WINDOWS.EDITIONID.Equals(targetEdition.PlannedEdition.EditionName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)).INDEX); void callback(string Operation, int ProgressPercentage, bool IsIndeterminate) { progressCallback?.Invoke(Common.Messaging.Common.ProcessPhase.ApplyingImage, IsIndeterminate, ProgressPercentage, Operation); } result = Constants.imagingInterface.ApplyImage(InstallWIMFilePath, index, vhdSession.GetMountedPath(), progressCallback: callback); if (!result) { goto exit; } vhdPath = vhdSession.VirtualDiskPath; } if (targetEdition.NonDestructiveTargets.Count > 0 && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(edition) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edition) && targetEdition.NonDestructiveTargets.Any(x => IsRightPath(x, edition))))) { string newvhd = VHDUtilities.CreateDiffDisk(vhdPath, tempManager); progressCallback?.Invoke(Common.Messaging.Common.ProcessPhase.ApplyingImage, true, 0, "Mounting VHD"); using VirtualDiskSession vhdSession = new(tempManager, existingVHD: newvhd); foreach (EditionTarget ed in targetEdition.NonDestructiveTargets) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edition) && !IsRightPath(ed, edition)) { continue; } result = HandleEditionPlan( ed, UUPPath, MediaPath, LanguageCode, InstallWIMFilePath, WinREWIMFilePath, CompressionType, CompositionDatabases, tempManager, VHDMountPath: vhdSession.GetMountedPath(), CurrentBackupVHD: vhdPath, progressCallback: progressCallback); if (!result) { goto exit; } } } if (targetEdition.DestructiveTargets.Count > 0 && (string.IsNullOrEmpty(edition) || (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edition) && targetEdition.DestructiveTargets.Any(x => IsRightPath(x, edition))))) { foreach (EditionTarget ed in targetEdition.DestructiveTargets) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(edition) && !IsRightPath(ed, edition)) { continue; } result = HandleEditionPlan( ed, UUPPath, MediaPath, LanguageCode, InstallWIMFilePath, WinREWIMFilePath, CompressionType, CompositionDatabases, tempManager, CurrentBackupVHD: vhdPath, progressCallback: progressCallback); if (!result) { goto exit; } } } File.Delete(vhdPath); } exit: return result; } public static bool GetTargetedPlan( string UUPPath, string LanguageCode, List<CompDB> CompositionDatabases, out List<EditionTarget> EditionTargets, TempManager tempManager, ProgressCallback progressCallback = null) { progressCallback?.Invoke(Common.Messaging.Common.ProcessPhase.ReadingMetadata, true, 0, "Acquiring Composition Databases"); string EditionPack = ""; // // Get base editions that are available with all their files // IEnumerable<CompDB> filteredCompositionDatabases = CompositionDatabases.GetEditionCompDBsForLanguage(LanguageCode).Where(x => { (bool success, HashSet<string> missingfiles) = Planning.FileLocator.VerifyFilesAreAvailableForCompDB(x, UUPPath); return success; }); if (filteredCompositionDatabases.Any()) { foreach (Services.Composition.Database.Package feature in filteredCompositionDatabases.First().Features.Feature[0].Packages.Package) { Services.Composition.Database.Package pkg = filteredCompositionDatabases.First().Packages.Package.First(x => x.ID == feature.ID); string file = pkg.GetCommonlyUsedIncorrectFileName(); // // We know already that all files exist, so it's just a matter of knowing which path format is used // file = !File.Exists(Path.Combine(UUPPath, file)) ? pkg.Payload.PayloadItem[0].Path.Replace('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) : file; if (!file.EndsWith(".esd", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || !file.Contains("microsoft-windows-editionspecific", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || file.Contains("WOW64", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) || file.Contains("arm64.arm", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { // We do not care about this file continue; } EditionPack = Path.Combine(UUPPath, file); } } My web is being slow and I'm running out of HDD space. Going to have to salvage the one from my backup laptop. For now, I let this download and eat/get coffee/try not to sleep more while it downloads. Gus has some clean code. I'm running CodeMaid on the source and it has almost nothing to do. Seems like anyone with a grasp of C# could help this guy out. Or selfishly edit for themselves haha...
Just tried .\uupdownload -s Core(and Professional/Starter) -v 10.0.22000.1 -r retail(and rp) -t x86 -c ni_release for you. Errors with no updates matching specified criteria. So I don't believe it will enable an x86 Windows 11. But that's the extent I'll be going to. Side note, here are the available achitectures to try for various editions. Some are certainly not for regular Windows. Spoiler: arch Code: unknown = 0x0, x86 = 0x14c, r4000 = 0x166, wcemipsv2 = 0x169, axp = 0x184, sh3 = 0x1a2, sh3dsp = 0x1a3, sh4 = 0x1a6, sh5 = 0x1a8, arm = 0x1c0, thumb = 0x1c2, woa = 0x1c4, am33 = 0x1d3, powerpc = 0x1f0, powerpcfp = 0x1f1, ia64 = 0x200, mips16 = 0x266, mipsfpu = 0x366, mipsfpu16 = 0x466, ebc = 0xebc, amd64 = 0x8664, m32r = 0x9041, arm64 = 0xaa64, And some various possibly helpful info, though it pertains to 10 it might matter from some 11 collections. No idea what WIS or WIF are. I see External but not the option Internal here. Lots of source to go through and I'm tired of code for now. Too many weeks and weekends looking at code. Find the github and dig if you want more soon. Spoiler: useful or useless info Code: { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.15063.534", machineType, "WIS", "", "CB", "rs2_release", "Production", false), "Insider Slow (RS2)" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.15063.534", machineType, "WIF", "", "CB", "rs2_release", "Production", false), "Insider Fast (RS2)" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.16299.15", machineType, "Retail", "", "CB", "rs3_release", "Production", true), "Retail (RS3)" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.17134.1", machineType, "Retail", "", "CB", "rs4_release", "Production", true), "Retail (RS4)" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.17763.1217", machineType, "Retail", "", "CB", "rs5_release", "Production", true), "Retail (RS5)" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.18362.836", machineType, "Retail", "", "CB", "19h1_release", "Production", true), "Retail (TI)" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "Retail", "", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", true, false), "Retail (VB)"}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.84", machineType, "Retail", "", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false), "Retail" }, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "External", "ReleasePreview", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false), "Release Preview"}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "External", "Beta", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false), "Beta "}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "External", "Dev", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false), "Dev"}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "RP", "External", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false, "Active"), "Insider Release Preview"}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "WIS", "External", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false, "Active"), "Insider Slow"}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "WIF", "External", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false, "Active"), "Insider Fast"}, { new CTAC(osSkuId, "10.0.19041.200", machineType, "WIF", "External", "CB", "vb_release", "Production", false, false, "Skip"), "Skip Ahead"}, Also keep in mind there are -[] options for putting in an insider account email and password for certain downloads. They might unlock otherwise unobtainable packages, but I don't have an insider account.
Here is news for ConvertNT6SKUs. Unstaged ISOs can be staged manually, however versions older than SP1 doesn't work. Pkgmgr does not start on non-SP1+ versions, tested on 6469. Spoiler: Manually Staged Windows Vista Enterprise N Debug Also both Aero and Basic themes are somehow absent.
Was a typo from copy/pasting the line I started with. I did try 22000.1. Edited above to reflect. I wouldn't doubt that possibility. 21h2 and 22h2 10 and 11 share a majority of code. So much that my 22h2 11 starter has windows 10 install options. I don't recall the last windows 10 to support x86 officially.
There are four groups of Windows Features (from lite to heavy): 1. CloudE 2. Starter 3. Core 4. Pro Q: Which is the largest Windows image? A: Official Starter which is having all available Client editions including PPIPro which is for Surface Hub. Q: Which is the smallest Windows image? A: Single Starter. Sum_Ting_Wong is still in bed? Or still dowdloading?
I would find amazing to continue this quest even further and to dive below the surface by removing system components one by one in a "top-down manner" - see my post
Thank you. But it is beyond my imagination and ability and curiosity. I wish a hint for this symptom of gus33000's UUPMediaConverter: Code: ManagedWimLib.WimLibException: [Open] [ERROR] Can't open "Z:\win-x64-binaries\temp\1710423267364\MediaRoot\sources\install.esd" read-only: No such file or directory at ManagedWimLib.WimLibException.CheckErrorCode(ErrorCode ret) at ManagedWimLib.Wim.OpenWim(String wimFile, OpenFlags openFlags) at UnifiedUpdatePlatform.Services.Imaging.WimLibImaging.GetWIMInformation(String wimFile, WIM& wimInformationObject) [21:35:46][ Error ] An error occured! [21:35:46][ Error ] An error occurred while creating the ISO. It popped up whenever the target edition's EditionSpecific package(s) is not officially provided by UUP. e.g. 17763\19041\22621 EnterpriseS. [17763.1 EnterpriseG with UUP Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-EnterpriseG-Package.ESD I downloaded] Code: [23:01:32][Information] [CreatingISO][100%] Building Z:\win-x64-binaries\17763.1-EnterpriseG-amd64-en-US.iso [23:01:32][Information] [Done] [17763.1 EnterpriseG with the UUP Microsoft-Windows-EditionSpecific-EnterpriseG-Package.ESD I downloaded\expanded\captured] Code: [23:17:41][Information] [CreatingISO][100%] Building Z:\win-x64-binaries\17763.1-EnterpriseG-amd64-en-US.iso [23:17:41][Information] [Done] [Download.cmd] Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" UUPDownload.exe -s Professional -e Professional -v 10.0.17763.5576 -l en-US -r internal -t amd64 -c rs5_release :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :END echo. pause exit [Create.cmd] Code: @echo off pushd "%~dp0" uupmediaconverter -i 17763.1-EnterpriseG-amd64-en-US.iso -u 17763 -e EnterpriseG -l en-US -c LZX -t temp\ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :END echo. pause exit PS: -u is downloaded UUP folder 10.0.17763.5576.rs5_release_svc_prod1.240301-1736_amd64fre_9604cbf0c12c. Too long, so I rename it as 17763. -u 10.0.17763.5576.rs5_release_svc_prod1.240301-1736_amd64fre_9604cbf0c12c ---> -u 17763 [Credits] gus33000 Sum_Ting_Wong
[Combo Starter, 22 editions, 2,551,906 KB] Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /english /Image:K: /Get-features /Format:Table Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10586.0 ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------- Feature Name | State ------------------------------------ | ----------------------------- LegacyComponents | Disabled DirectPlay | Disabled SimpleTCP | Disabled SNMP | Disabled WMISnmpProvider | Disabled Windows-Identity-Foundation | Disabled MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root | Enabled MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 | Enabled Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 | Enabled NetFx3 | Disabled with Payload Removed IIS-WebServerRole | Disabled IIS-WebServer | Disabled IIS-CommonHttpFeatures | Disabled IIS-HttpErrors | Disabled IIS-HttpRedirect | Disabled IIS-ApplicationDevelopment | Disabled IIS-NetFxExtensibility | Disabled IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 | Disabled IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics | Disabled IIS-HttpLogging | Disabled IIS-LoggingLibraries | Disabled IIS-RequestMonitor | Disabled IIS-HttpTracing | Disabled IIS-Security | Disabled IIS-URLAuthorization | Disabled IIS-RequestFiltering | Disabled IIS-IPSecurity | Disabled IIS-Performance | Disabled IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic | Disabled IIS-WebServerManagementTools | Disabled IIS-ManagementScriptingTools | Disabled IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility | Disabled IIS-Metabase | Disabled WAS-WindowsActivationService | Disabled WAS-ProcessModel | Disabled WAS-NetFxEnvironment | Disabled WAS-ConfigurationAPI | Disabled IIS-HostableWebCore | Disabled WCF-HTTP-Activation | Disabled WCF-NonHTTP-Activation | Disabled WCF-Services45 | Enabled WCF-HTTP-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-TCP-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-Pipe-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-MSMQ-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-TCP-PortSharing45 | Enabled NetFx4-AdvSrvs | Enabled NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45 | Disabled MediaPlayback | Enabled WindowsMediaPlayer | Enabled MSMQ-Container | Disabled MSMQ-Server | Disabled MSMQ-Triggers | Disabled MSMQ-Multicast | Disabled MSMQ-DCOMProxy | Disabled Printing-Foundation-Starter-Features | Enabled FaxServicesClientPackage | Enabled Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features | Enabled Printing-XPSServices-Features | Enabled RasRip | Disabled MSRDC-Infrastructure | Enabled SearchEngine-Client-Package | Enabled TelnetClient | Disabled TFTP | Disabled Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer | Enabled WorkFolders-Client | Enabled SMB1Protocol | Enabled The operation completed successfully. C:\WINDOWS\system32> [Single Starter, 1 edition, 2,352,262 KB] Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /english /Image:K: /Get-features /Format:Table Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Error: 0x800f0831 DISM failed. No operation was performed. For more information, review the log file. The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log C:\WINDOWS\system32> Q: What about "Single EnterpriseS"? [Single EnterpriseS, 1 edition, 2,492,138 KB] Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /english /Image:K: /Get-features /Format:Table Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10586.0 ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- Feature Name | State ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- LegacyComponents | Disabled DirectPlay | Disabled SimpleTCP | Disabled SNMP | Disabled WMISnmpProvider | Disabled Windows-Identity-Foundation | Disabled MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root | Enabled MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 | Enabled Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 | Enabled NetFx3 | Disabled with Payload Removed IIS-WebServerRole | Disabled IIS-WebServer | Disabled IIS-CommonHttpFeatures | Disabled IIS-HttpErrors | Disabled IIS-HttpRedirect | Disabled IIS-ApplicationDevelopment | Disabled IIS-NetFxExtensibility | Disabled IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 | Disabled IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics | Disabled IIS-HttpLogging | Disabled IIS-LoggingLibraries | Disabled IIS-RequestMonitor | Disabled IIS-HttpTracing | Disabled IIS-Security | Disabled IIS-URLAuthorization | Disabled IIS-RequestFiltering | Disabled IIS-IPSecurity | Disabled IIS-Performance | Disabled IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic | Disabled IIS-WebServerManagementTools | Disabled IIS-ManagementScriptingTools | Disabled IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility | Disabled IIS-Metabase | Disabled WAS-WindowsActivationService | Disabled WAS-ProcessModel | Disabled WAS-NetFxEnvironment | Disabled WAS-ConfigurationAPI | Disabled IIS-HostableWebCore | Disabled WCF-HTTP-Activation | Disabled WCF-NonHTTP-Activation | Disabled WCF-Services45 | Enabled WCF-HTTP-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-TCP-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-Pipe-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-MSMQ-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-TCP-PortSharing45 | Enabled IIS-StaticContent | Disabled IIS-DefaultDocument | Disabled IIS-DirectoryBrowsing | Disabled IIS-WebDAV | Disabled IIS-WebSockets | Disabled IIS-ApplicationInit | Disabled IIS-ASPNET | Disabled IIS-ASPNET45 | Disabled IIS-ASP | Disabled IIS-CGI | Disabled IIS-ISAPIExtensions | Disabled IIS-ISAPIFilter | Disabled IIS-ServerSideIncludes | Disabled IIS-CustomLogging | Disabled IIS-BasicAuthentication | Disabled IIS-HttpCompressionStatic | Disabled IIS-ManagementConsole | Disabled IIS-ManagementService | Disabled IIS-WMICompatibility | Disabled IIS-LegacyScripts | Disabled IIS-LegacySnapIn | Disabled IIS-FTPServer | Disabled IIS-FTPSvc | Disabled IIS-FTPExtensibility | Disabled MSMQ-Container | Disabled MSMQ-Server | Disabled MSMQ-Triggers | Disabled MSMQ-ADIntegration | Disabled MSMQ-HTTP | Disabled MSMQ-Multicast | Disabled MSMQ-DCOMProxy | Disabled IIS-CertProvider | Disabled IIS-WindowsAuthentication | Disabled IIS-DigestAuthentication | Disabled IIS-ClientCertificateMappingAuthentication | Disabled IIS-IISCertificateMappingAuthentication | Disabled IIS-ODBCLogging | Disabled NetFx4-AdvSrvs | Enabled NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45 | Disabled MediaPlayback | Enabled WindowsMediaPlayer | Enabled Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features | Enabled Printing-XPSServices-Features | Enabled RasRip | Disabled MSRDC-Infrastructure | Enabled SearchEngine-Client-Package | Enabled TelnetClient | Disabled TFTP | Disabled Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer | Enabled WorkFolders-Client | Enabled SMB1Protocol | Enabled Printing-Foundation-Features | Enabled Printing-Foundation-LPRPortMonitor | Disabled Printing-Foundation-LPDPrintService | Disabled Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client | Enabled FaxServicesClientPackage | Enabled ScanManagementConsole | Disabled TIFFIFilter | Disabled Client-EmbeddedShellLauncher | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V-All | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V-Tools-All | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-Clients | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V-Management-PowerShell | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V-Hypervisor | Disabled Microsoft-Hyper-V-Services | Disabled DirectoryServices-ADAM-Client | Disabled ServicesForNFS-ClientOnly | Disabled ClientForNFS-Infrastructure | Disabled NFS-Administration | Disabled RasCMAK | Disabled Client-EmbeddedBootExp | Disabled Client-EmbeddedLogon | Disabled Client-KeyboardFilter | Disabled Client-UnifiedWriteFilter | Disabled MultiPoint-Connector | Disabled IsolatedUserMode | Disabled The operation completed successfully. C:\WINDOWS\system32> [Starter + Core, 2 editions, 2,436,942 KB] Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /English /image:K: /get-currentedition Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Current edition is: Current Edition : Starter The operation completed successfully. C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /english /Image:K: /Get-features /Format:Table Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Error: 0x800f0831 DISM failed. No operation was performed. For more information, review the log file. The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log C:\WINDOWS\system32> [Single Core, 1 edition, 2,446,771 KB] Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /english /Image:K: /Get-features /Format:Table Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Features listing for package : Microsoft-Windows-Foundation-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.10586.0 ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- Feature Name | State ------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------- LegacyComponents | Disabled DirectPlay | Disabled SimpleTCP | Disabled SNMP | Disabled WMISnmpProvider | Disabled Windows-Identity-Foundation | Disabled MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2Root | Enabled MicrosoftWindowsPowerShellV2 | Enabled Internet-Explorer-Optional-amd64 | Enabled NetFx3 | Disabled with Payload Removed IIS-WebServerRole | Disabled IIS-WebServer | Disabled IIS-CommonHttpFeatures | Disabled IIS-HttpErrors | Disabled IIS-HttpRedirect | Disabled IIS-ApplicationDevelopment | Disabled IIS-NetFxExtensibility | Disabled IIS-NetFxExtensibility45 | Disabled IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics | Disabled IIS-HttpLogging | Disabled IIS-LoggingLibraries | Disabled IIS-RequestMonitor | Disabled IIS-HttpTracing | Disabled IIS-Security | Disabled IIS-URLAuthorization | Disabled IIS-RequestFiltering | Disabled IIS-IPSecurity | Disabled IIS-Performance | Disabled IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic | Disabled IIS-WebServerManagementTools | Disabled IIS-ManagementScriptingTools | Disabled IIS-IIS6ManagementCompatibility | Disabled IIS-Metabase | Disabled WAS-WindowsActivationService | Disabled WAS-ProcessModel | Disabled WAS-NetFxEnvironment | Disabled WAS-ConfigurationAPI | Disabled IIS-HostableWebCore | Disabled WCF-HTTP-Activation | Disabled WCF-NonHTTP-Activation | Disabled WCF-Services45 | Enabled WCF-HTTP-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-TCP-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-Pipe-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-MSMQ-Activation45 | Disabled WCF-TCP-PortSharing45 | Enabled IIS-StaticContent | Disabled IIS-DefaultDocument | Disabled IIS-DirectoryBrowsing | Disabled IIS-WebDAV | Disabled IIS-WebSockets | Disabled IIS-ApplicationInit | Disabled IIS-ASPNET | Disabled IIS-ASPNET45 | Disabled IIS-ASP | Disabled IIS-CGI | Disabled IIS-ISAPIExtensions | Disabled IIS-ISAPIFilter | Disabled IIS-ServerSideIncludes | Disabled IIS-CustomLogging | Disabled IIS-BasicAuthentication | Disabled IIS-HttpCompressionStatic | Disabled IIS-ManagementConsole | Disabled IIS-ManagementService | Disabled IIS-WMICompatibility | Disabled IIS-LegacyScripts | Disabled IIS-LegacySnapIn | Disabled IIS-FTPServer | Disabled IIS-FTPSvc | Disabled IIS-FTPExtensibility | Disabled MSMQ-Container | Disabled MSMQ-Server | Disabled MSMQ-Triggers | Disabled MSMQ-HTTP | Disabled MSMQ-Multicast | Disabled MSMQ-DCOMProxy | Disabled NetFx4-AdvSrvs | Enabled NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45 | Disabled MediaPlayback | Enabled WindowsMediaPlayer | Enabled Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features | Enabled Printing-XPSServices-Features | Enabled RasRip | Disabled MSRDC-Infrastructure | Enabled SearchEngine-Client-Package | Enabled TelnetClient | Disabled TFTP | Disabled Xps-Foundation-Xps-Viewer | Enabled WorkFolders-Client | Enabled SMB1Protocol | Enabled Printing-Foundation-Features | Enabled Printing-Foundation-LPRPortMonitor | Disabled Printing-Foundation-LPDPrintService | Disabled Printing-Foundation-InternetPrinting-Client | Enabled FaxServicesClientPackage | Enabled TIFFIFilter | Disabled The operation completed successfully. C:\WINDOWS\system32> What if Starter in Core structure? Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /English /image:K: /get-currentedition Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Current edition is: Current Edition : Starter The operation completed successfully. C:\WINDOWS\system32>dism /english /Image:K: /Get-features /Format:Table Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.10586.0 Error: 0x800f0831 DISM failed. No operation was performed. For more information, review the log file. The DISM log file can be found at C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log C:\WINDOWS\system32> Q: How to make 10586.0 "single Starter" with working "Windows Features"?