Friends, I am doing ltsc for version 25398.763, but when I enter the settings, it crashes and does not work. What am I doing wrong?
It was GN using a server boot.wim because it looks nicer. Also the boot.wim UUPMC made failed and I had it on hand while I downloaded and created a UUPD core/pro iso. There was almost nothing left to remove that wouldn't prohibit integrity checks to be honest. I was going all out. Absolutely no pre-testing because I was feeling lucky. Scan health found no corruption after taking it offline, however it found them in the wim image. So I fixed that, cut a tiny bit more because **** it, and we'll see how it goes. Settings as in OOBE or post-welcome? It should be leaving logs in various places in either case. I'd do your standard scans you've been told about too many times in your life as well. Here is a simple batch I made to make that fast. Half of it is just me goofing off, if you wonder why it's so long. Spoiler: DISMtool.bat Code: @echo off title DISM Fixes color 0E :: :: REQUESTING ADMIN :: >nul 2>&1 reg query "HKU\S-1-5-19\Environment" if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0' ( (echo.Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^)&echo.UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1)>"%tmp%\getadmin.vbs" "%tmp%\getadmin.vbs" exit /B ) else ( >nul 2>&1 del "%tmp%\getadmin.vbs" ) mode con: cols=61 lines=25 :options call:BANNER echo +---[ OPTION MENU ]------------+ echo ^| ^| echo ^| 1. CheckHealth ^| echo ^| 2. ScanHealth ^| echo ^| 3. RestoreHealth ^| echo ^| 4. AnalyzeComponentStore ^| echo ^| 5. StartComponentCleanup ^| echo ^| 6. SPSuperseded ^| echo ^| 7. ResetBase ^| echo ^| 8. RevertPendingActions* ^| echo ^| 0. Exit. ^| echo ^| ^| echo +------------------------------+ echo. echo # Know what you are doing. echo # Type a number below and press the Enter key. echo. set DVAR= set /p "DVAR=>----> Enter Option: " cls echo. && echo. if '%DVAR%' NEQ '0' ( goto source ) else ( goto exit ) :source echo Task: %DVAR% choice /c:oi /N /M:">----> /[O]nline, or /[I]mage?" if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto offline ) else ( goto online ) :offline set str=/Image: set offline= echo. set /p "offline=---- Enter path to image: " if "%DVAR%"=="0" exit if "%DVAR%"=="1" set "target=%offline%" && goto dch if "%DVAR%"=="2" set "target=%offline%" && goto dsh if "%DVAR%"=="3" set "target=%offline%" && goto drh if "%DVAR%"=="4" set "target=%offline%" && goto dacs if "%DVAR%"=="5" set "target=%offline%" && goto dscc if "%DVAR%"=="6" set "target=%offline%" && goto dsps if "%DVAR%"=="7" set "target=%offline%" && goto drb if "%DVAR%"=="8" set "target=%offline%" && goto drpa :online set str=/ if "%DVAR%"=="0" exit if "%DVAR%"=="1" set "target=Online" && goto dch if "%DVAR%"=="2" set "target=Online" && goto dsh if "%DVAR%"=="3" set "target=Online" && goto drh if "%DVAR%"=="4" set "target=Online" && goto dacs if "%DVAR%"=="5" set "target=Online" && goto dscc if "%DVAR%"=="6" set "target=Online" && goto dsps if "%DVAR%"=="7" set "target=Online" && goto drb if "%DVAR%"=="8" set "target=Online" && echo Heh. && echo. && timeout 1 > nul && goto drpa0 :dch DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /CheckHealth echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- Health checked: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) :dsh DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- Health scanned: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) :drh DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- Health restored: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) :dacs DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- CompStore analyzed: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) :dscc DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- CompStore cleaned: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) :dsps echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- Hide them from update list, too?: [Y]es/[N]o." if "%errorlevel%"=="2" set "sps=/SPSuperseded" if "%errorlevel%"=="1" set "sps=/SPSuperseded /HideSP" if "%sps%"=="/SPSuperseded" set "hidn=:" if "%sps%"=="/SPSuperseded /HideSP" set "hidn= and hidden:" echo. DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image %sps% echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- SvcPaks cleaned%hidn% Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." echo. if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) :drb DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- Base reset: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) ::######################## ::## ## ::## the fun* stuff ## ::## ## ::######################## :drpa0 echo echo. echo -- This function is intended for emergency use on an offline echo -- image that wont boot after you have performed an update, echo -- repair, or other activity involving official servicing. timeout 2 /nobreak > nul color 0F echo. echo ***** USER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! ***** echo. timeout 4 /nobreak > nul color 0E echo. choice /C:ow /N /M:" ...Will you be proceeding?: [O]h yeah!/[W]hat?" echo. && echo. && echo -- Remember... echo -- you asked for this... echo. timeout 3 /nobreak echo DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions timeout 2 /nobreak > nul echo. && echo. && echo. set "lines=echo. && echo." set "cnt=echo COUNTDOWN" > %tmp%\Rest1.vbs echo Wscript.sleep 1000 && SET R1=Start /w %tmp%\Rest1.vbs cls %lines% && echo "[ 0.0% ]" %cnt% 5 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && cls %lines% && echo "[ 0.0% ]" echo "[ 0.0% ]" %cnt% 4 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && cls %lines% && echo "[ 0.0% ]" echo "[ 0.0% echo "[=========== 20.0% ]" %cnt% 3 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && cls %lines% && echo "[ 0.0% ]" echo "[ 0.0% echo "[=========== 20.0% ]" echo "[=======-==- 2).0% ]" %cnt% 2 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && color 06 && cls %lines% && echo "[ 0.0% ]" echo "[ 0.0% echo "[=========== 20.0% ]" echo "[=======-==- 2).0% ]" echo "[ ==-===- =- - NaN% }" %cnt% 1 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && color 04 &&cls del %tmp%\Rest1.vbs > nul && DEL %tmp%\count.txt > nul echo. echo echo err='0x00003d07' name='ERROR_SYSTEM_NEEDS_REMEDIATION' echo. echo. echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- echo ~~ ERROR CODE ~~ System32 deleted. echo ~~ 0x00003d07 ~~ #Files not found. echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -- -- echo. && echo. && echo. echo Press any key to restart . . . timeout 5 > nul echo. && echo. color 0C && echo -- Oh wait... && timeout 2 /nobreak > nul color 0E && echo -- Nevermind. && timeout 2 /nobreak > nul goto derp :drpa echo echo. echo -- This function is intended for emergency use on an offline echo -- image that wont boot after you have performed an update, echo -- repair, or other activity involving official servicing. timeout 2 /nobreak > nul color 0F echo. echo ***** USER DISCRETION IS ADVISED! ***** echo. if '%target%' EQU 'Online' ( pause && color 0E && goto derp ) else ( timeout 3 /nobreak > nul ) color 0E echo. choice /C:ow /N /M:" ...Will you be proceeding?: [O]h yeah!/[W]hat?" if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto derp ) else ( goto rpa ) :derp echo. && echo -- Look it up. Or else! && echo. && echo. && timeout 4 goto options :rpa echo. echo -- Remember, you asked for this... echo. timeout 5 /nobreak echo. DISM.exe %str%%target% /Cleanup-Image /RevertPendingActions echo. && echo. choice /C:yn /N /M:"-- The deed is done: Continue? [Y]es/[N]o." if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '1' ( goto exit ) else ( goto options ) ::######################## ::## ## ::## end fun* stuff ## ::## ## ::######################## :exit title Godspeed! set "lines=echo. && echo." set "cnt=echo COUNTDOWN" > %tmp%\Rest1.vbs echo Wscript.sleep 1000 && SET R1=Start /w %tmp%\Rest1.vbs cls %lines% && echo ">---> Closing in ...3" && %cnt% 3 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && cls %lines% && echo ">---> Closing in ....2" && %cnt% 2 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && color 06 && cls %lines% && echo ">---> Closing in .....1" && %cnt% 1 >> %tmp%\count.txt && %R1% && cls del %tmp%\Rest1.vbs > nul && DEL %tmp%\count.txt > nul && exit :BANNER cls echo ______________ echo / / DISM Service \__ echo \\ Tasks Made Easy / \ echo \\_____________________\__/ echo.&echo. goto:eof I hope that preserved my bell key.
So far, based on what we learned with building a "Windows 10 Starter" edition, could this knowledge be useful to build others existing but unreleased editions ? e.g. Code: NanoServer = 0x0000006D, DatacenterNanoServer = 0x0000008F, StandardNanoServer = 0x00000090, DatacenterAServerCore = 0x00000091, StandardAServerCore = 0x00000092, DatacenterWSServerCore = 0x00000093, StandardWSServerCore = 0x00000094, AzureNanoServer = 0x000000A9, AzureServerCore = 0x000000A8, I can think of "Nano Server install option" (NanoServer.wim) for Windows Server 2019, 2022, ..... A first step would be to recreate the Windows Server 2016 NanoServer.wim
Any SKU without license files (.xrm-ms) cannot be created. At most, you can make dism display the edition, but it cannot be activated and lacks edition specific policies.
i don't know what to tell you, because the method works fine on my end, black screen can be a display driver problem.