BCD-Template missing, why? Code: C:\WINDOWS\system32>bcdboot /s J: K:\windows /f all BFSVC Error: Could not open the BCD template store. Status = [c000000f]
Where can we document this type of information about packages, build numbers and editions ? On a Wiki website with the detail about Editions ?
Yes, indeed, the lack of a share documentation repository will underline the fact that we don’t have enough memory to memorise by hand all of these growing set of metadata about files, packages, components, build, etc. A discussion thread is complementary to such a repository but not itself this document repository, where a MediaWiki could help.
No luck needed, just be willing to learn and determination. Not started build yet... busy doing other things. The build will work out just fine, and there will be no version mismatch, when i get round to building it that is...
Q: I can't reconstruct 14393 Servers. They are 14393.0. Why? A: Because they had updates integrated. e.g. Package_for_KB3192137~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~
i have no problems with Server Core it's easy to rebuild and it not off topic or hard, stop put words in my mouth.
It is my question to you, again and again. Don't copy me. Anger is not healthy. I had stated very clearly: You quote me once; I quote you once. Obviously, you just want to piss me off.
Q: What builds are the most difficult to reconstruct? A: 1. 17763.1 arm64 LTSC(N). 2. 14393.0 Servers. 3. 10240.16384 amd64 and x86 and 14393.0 x86 Client. 4. 25398.1 Client.