Are you able to install unmodified updates on 25398 Pro? Users on another forum are reporting that it doesn't work anymore, one user said that he could do it until 763 but after that he needed custom LCU. A user on that forum created 25398.830 Pro WS ISO for me and it can be updated using custom LCU but not with unmodified updates. I also tried a 25398.830 Pro image which someone shared and it can also be updated using custom LCU but not with unmodified updates. But there was one user who claimed he doesn't need custom LCU, he wrote that he just double clicks the MSU and it installs. He wrote that Pro, Pro WS and Enterprise are officially supported for updates but I think it's just Pro (perhaps Pro WS too).
Th matter was way simpler in 2015/2016 days. Now we have all those stupid SKU wrappers mums, which means that a successful applied update isn't a guarantee that 100% of the system is. Say if you have a Pro (or child) SKU any server package added, like deduplication, isn't going to be updated. On the other hand, on server with GUI, the (untouched) update installs fine, but only the components under the hood are updated (say ntoskrnl) while the GUI part (say explorer.exe) is left to .1 So making the updates really universal (like 14393) would require extensive editing, not just adding a missing SKU to the required prerequisites.
Maybe because learning new things is way more satisfying than repeating the same story over and over?
Were you able to reconstruct a ServerDatacenter 25398 from ServerDatacenterCore, so it accepts online LCUs, and has working Server Manager?
Reconstruct isn't the word I would use. I would say I have a working 25393 Server with GUI. Just like my previous Servers 2017,2018 and 2020. And yes I have a fully working Server manager And yes, Cumulative Upd works untouched, but the untouched package updates only the core system, not the GUI As I already said, being a 23xxx build it runs on any machine, including core2/Athlon64/Turions being a 23xxx build VMware doesn't run if Hyper-V is not disabled from the bootloader. being a release version, VBox runs 100% OK (with or w/o Hyper-V) unlike on any other Server 11 build (because the preview status)
Test 26100.670 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise Subscription LTSC (OEM_DM with Edge without Store) amd64 en-US (for SSU) Code: ------------------------------------------------------------ Add Servicing Stack Update to Winre image ------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.26100.1 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_ServicingStack_670~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~26100.670.1.0 [==========================100.0%==========================] The changes due to package Package_for_ServicingStack_670 requires the current servicing session to be reloaded. All the packages will be processed again. The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------ Code: ------------------------------------------------------------ Add Servicing Stack Update to IoTEnterpriseSK image ------------------------------------------------------------ Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 10.0.19041.844 Image Version: 10.0.26100.1 Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package Package_for_ServicingStack_670~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~26100.670.1.0 [==========================100.0%==========================] The changes due to package Package_for_ServicingStack_670 requires the current servicing session to be reloaded. All the packages will be processed again. The operation completed successfully. ------------------------------------------------------------ Code: ======================================================================================================== 26100.670 Windows 11 IoT Enterprise Subscription LTSC (OEM_DM with Edge without Store) amd64 en-US has been successfully reconstructed on 2024/5/18 ======================================================================================================== Mission took 0:9:45.83 (585.83s total)
Same question. Great achievement, if you were able to create Enterprise, that can be updated online untouched!
Let's get you boys started in the right direction Create 25398 Enterprise you will need for starters. Code: gailium119 tweak: threads/windows-editions-reconstruction-project.80939/page-353#post-1727735 Code: owouwu's stageSxS-principalis github com/asdcorp/stageSxS codeload.github com/asdcorp/stageSxS/zip/refs/heads/principalis github com/ylx2016/stageSxS codeload.github com/ylx2016/stageSxS/zip/refs/heads/principalis
Clear, thanks. What about ServerDatacenter (not Core)? If someone successfully creates ServerDatacenter (non Core),would it update via untouched LCUs?