I already replied to your question https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/discussion-windows-server-2025.88013/page-4#post-1836400
Master, I asked not if you have tried that, but your knowledge about LCUs - would they update Full (not Core) if someone does that? Thanks
Ok. In your case, if I understand right, if I do DISM /online /get-currentedition, I would get ServerDatacenterCore, not ServerDatacenter? And that is why LCUs do install - and do not update self-added packages. Sad to hear that. At the moment 25398 isn't of any interest to me, as Server 26100 is coming soon. But ServerCore is released annually, while full each 3 years. Would be lovely to get a solution of creating full UI server from ServerCore, using reconstruction and change Edition.
he's not talking about mixed and matched, he's talking about the real deal not some of the ... well you know.
It's not matter of masters or slaves, it's how (current) updates works https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...struction-project.80939/page-807#post-1836352
Where can I find more information on that VMware/VBox problem? I don't understand what are you speaking about, as I use Hyper-V only.
This... zwl29107 should be the right person. Usually, Microsoft takes neutral packages out of AC builds.
Mixed and matched what? Untouched LCU doen't update the GUI part of server, period. Which perhaps is also a good thing given the server GUI manager is ignored (no matter if it comes from 23379, or 9200), so LCU installs w/o errors.
The problem lies in how to obtain components specific to ServerDatacenter 25398.1, which cannot be obtained from any known source.
As zwl29107 said: gailium119 had made ServerDatacenter Desktop Experience, but for some components, update failed. So, you can ask for the image, and remove related package to see if it would work fine.
Building DesktopUX packages would be best, but as you have said not all source can be obtained, a few packages would be missing, when building DesktopUX.
So you are unaffected by either one. Why worrying then? On your PC trying to use them in various builds. Whatever I already provided the essential info VBox dont work (fully) in any Internet Preview (and don't work at all in expired windows) VMware (you need 15.5+) doesn't work (if HV is enabled) in anything before Win10 19041.2xx and in W11 Zinc builds. It works if HV is enabled on anything else It works everywhere w/o any limit (and faster) if HV is disabled in the bootloader (hypervisorlaunchtype=off) That's all
Of course, you can use packages from 25379, as well as some methods to obtain the 25398.xxx binary files, but updates will definitely fail.
Why you are so obsessed by the package build number? What you would gain from having all the server manager GUI coming from 25398 when will not be updated anyway? Personally I like to fix the problems I have not the ones already solved.
obsessed with trying to build official way... so we can get to the real deal as much as we can .... you know...
There isn't anything missing. The core server is already complete, the GUI part is already done for Clients, for the RSAT the untouched ones for 2016/1709/1803 work *perfectly* w/o any modification (and include all the supported MUIs for most languages)
When I can get a fully working OS, w/o editing a single file, and using only inbox commands, that's official enough for me. But if you find a source for the 25398 RSAT I'm all ears.