When I'll get home, I can test it, until then try the path of the containing folder, not the manifest itself. Do the same with the target path, write only the folder path where you want the uncompressed manifest to be created.
I use "Pro" as source image. Q: How do I reconstruct "Pro"? A: Bypass "Reconstruction". As for testing, you don't need to test all Editions. The main "Parent Edition" is enough. e.g. Code: :: TARGET=CoreCountrySpecific :: TARGET=Core, CoreSingleLanguage :: TARGET=EnterpriseG :: TARGET=EnterpriseS, IoTEnterpriseS, IoTEnterpriseSK :: TARGET=Professional, Education, Enterprise, IoTEnterprise, IoTEnterpriseK, ProfessionalCountrySpecific, ProfessionalEducation, ProfessionalSingleLanguage, ProfessionalWorkstation, ServerRdsh, CloudEdition :: TARGET=CoreN :: TARGET=EnterpriseSN :: TARGET=ProfessionalN, EducationN, EnterpriseN, ProfessionalEducationN, ProfessionalWorkstationN, CloudEditionN The very first Edition of each family is "Parent Edition".
Thanks. But Yarrak31 is waiting for zwl29107's custom updates (ssu and cu) for all Editions and 18 Languages.
I know you. No need of translation. If you don't need 25398.1 Fod, delete unwanted ones from files\FOD\Neutral and files\FOD\tr-tr. (I don't understand "application". Program? App? Feature? They are all applications.)