hello, is it possible to decrypt a .manifest file? the 2 .manif microsoft-windows-client-desktop-required-deployment020 microsoft-windows-client-desktop-required-wow64-deployment0 includes windows defender i can delete them, but image .wim is hs. deletion code. dism /english /image:%MT% /Disable-Feature:ea76cf9b6bc4340eaf876faee09e747c /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package02~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1 dism /english /image:%MT% /Disable-Feature:946E8F41816C82963C54381675B52B618A667FAEE811B77BCF34776C905281DA /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-WOW64-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1
I followed this post https://forums.mydigitallife.net/th...-pc-19h1-2-release.79259/page-37#post-1513778
Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package02~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1.mum <package identifier="Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-Package02" releaseType="Feature Pack"> <update name="ea76cf9b6bc4340eaf876faee09e747c"> <selectable disposition="absent"> <detectNone default="true" /> </selectable> <component> <assemblyIdentity name="microsoft-windows-client-desktop-required-deployment020" version="10.0.26100.1" processorArchitecture="amd64" language="neutral" buildType="release" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" versionScope="nonSxS" /> </component> Microsoft-Windows-Client-Desktop-Required-wow64-package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.26100.1.mum <update name="946E8F41816C82963C54381675B52B618A667FAEE811B77BCF34776C905281DA"> <selectable disposition="absent"> <detectNone default="true" /> </selectable> <component> <assemblyIdentity name="microsoft-windows-client-desktop-required-wow64-deployment0" version="10.0.26100.1" processorArchitecture="amd64" language="neutral" buildType="release" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" versionScope="nonSxS" /> </component> </update>
add this to the info file <Selectable disposition="absent"> <detectNone default="true" /> </selectable>
maybe try this Thread: Code: forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/aunty-mels-cheap-and-nasty-sxs-file-expander-updated-2013-09-29.48613/
Code: function IsCompressed { param ( [string]$AFileName ) if (-not (Test-Path -Path $AFileName)) { Write-Host "File not found: $AFileName" -ForegroundColor Red return $false } Write-Host "File found: $AFileName" -ForegroundColor Green try { $Signature = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($AFileName)[4..7] Write-Host "Successfully read bytes 5-8 from file: $AFileName" -ForegroundColor Green } catch { Write-Host "Failed to read bytes from file: $AFileName. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red return $false } $SignatureString = ($Signature | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString("X2") }) -join " " Write-Host "File signature: $SignatureString" -ForegroundColor Green switch ($SignatureString) { "44 43 4D 01" { Write-Host "Signature matches DCM 01" -ForegroundColor Green; return $true } "44 43 4E 01" { Write-Host "Signature matches DCN 01" -ForegroundColor Green; return $true } "44 43 53 01" { Write-Host "Signature matches DCS 01" -ForegroundColor Green; return $true } "44 43 44 01" { Write-Host "Signature matches DCD 01" -ForegroundColor Green; return $true } "44 43 48 01" { Write-Host "Signature matches DCH 01" -ForegroundColor Green; return $true } "50 41 33 30" { Write-Host "Signature matches PA30" -ForegroundColor Green; return $true } default { Write-Host "Signature does not match any known compressed format" -ForegroundColor Yellow; return $false } } } function DecompressFile { param ( [string]$InputFile, [string]$OutputFile ) $sxsExpandPath = "sxsexp64.exe" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $sxsExpandPath)) { Write-Host "SxSExpand.exe not found at $sxsExpandPath" -ForegroundColor Red return $false } Write-Host "Starting decompression of file: $InputFile" -ForegroundColor Cyan try { Start-Process -FilePath $sxsExpandPath -ArgumentList "`"$InputFile`" `"$OutputFile`"" -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru Write-Host "Decompression completed. Output file: $OutputFile" -ForegroundColor Green return $true } catch { Write-Host "Failed to start SxSExpand.exe. Error: $_" -ForegroundColor Red return $false } } $filename = "sciezka_do_twojego_pliku.manifest" $outputFile = "decompressed.manifest" Write-Host "Starting compression check for file: $filename" -ForegroundColor Cyan $isCompressed = IsCompressed -AFileName $filename if ($isCompressed) { Write-Host "File is compressed, starting decompression..." -ForegroundColor Green $decompressionResult = DecompressFile -InputFile $filename -OutputFile $outputFile if ($decompressionResult) { Write-Host "Decompression succeeded" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "Decompression failed" -ForegroundColor Red } } else { Write-Host "File is not compressed" -ForegroundColor Yellow } Write-Host "Compression check completed for file: $filename" -ForegroundColor Cyan