MSU_to_esd_and_Modded_CU is made by Wuyouzi067 under my request to improve my DOS way used in my script. But, I don't integrate it into my script, because I don't like the way OP used. OP uses one main script + many sub-scripts. Mine uses one script only.
xinso, can you help me with what I told you? I have published the sxs to try to create the starter edition in LTSB 2016 (14393.0) but I can't succeed, it seems that it is because of something that is missing or doesn't fit. Within the files there is a 1.xml where the process is supposed to be done but I get errors.
Sorry, but I don't reshare\share old\new scripts. You can try to find my solution in my old sharings only. Yes, the solution is one, but good for all builds.
Get current edition may be can be fixed by grap an replace following registry keys from working same edition. Hklm/software/microsoft/windows/componentbasedservising/packetindex/product Hklm/software/microsoft/windowsnt (just keys) Hklm/system/productoptions But if there is error. Probably there is error at other dism commands too.
Yes, extract and modded 24h2 update successfully, and Found a fix for error: 5023 Modded MSU_to_esd_and_Modded_CU\MSU_to_esd_and_Modded_CU.cmd to work with 26100.1 and added some needed files.
Quick question: You finally modded LCU to install on Starter? And that modi is done by script? May I see it? Thanks
xinso, yesterday I have formulated an idea, how to make LCUs install with original license file for 26100.1 and modified for example for 26100.9999 Do you think it is possible?
I don't own ARM laptop, it is friend's, so I do something, bring ISO to him and try. Current status is "not working"