Please write detailed instructions, what files and where to get for the script to work fully? Everyone once started from scratch It is not even clear which wim and where to download it. Thank you
Test Convert 19041.1 Professional en-US to 19044.4170 EnterpriseSN (without Store) en-GB amd64 Code: ====================================================================================================================== 19044.4170 Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (without Store) amd64 en-GB has been successfully reconstructed on 2024/8/5 ====================================================================================================================== Mission took 0:28:43.27 (1723.27s total) Code: WIM XML Information: --------------------------- <WIM> <IMAGE INDEX="1"> <DIRCOUNT>31543</DIRCOUNT> <FILECOUNT>109809</FILECOUNT> <TOTALBYTES>18576739324</TOTALBYTES> <HARDLINKBYTES>6146331094</HARDLINKBYTES> <CREATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01DAE70C</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x59EB363C</LOWPART> </CREATIONTIME> <LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01DAE70C</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x59EB363C</LOWPART> </LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <WIMBOOT>0</WIMBOOT> <WINDOWS> <ARCH>9</ARCH> <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME> <EDITIONID>EnterpriseSN</EDITIONID> <INSTALLATIONTYPE>Client</INSTALLATIONTYPE> <SERVICINGDATA> <GDRDUREVISION>0</GDRDUREVISION> <PKEYCONFIGVERSION>10.0.19041.4170;2016-01-01T00:00:00Z</PKEYCONFIGVERSION> <IMAGESTATE>IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE</IMAGESTATE> </SERVICINGDATA> <PRODUCTTYPE>WinNT</PRODUCTTYPE> <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE> <LANGUAGES> <LANGUAGE>en-GB</LANGUAGE> <FALLBACK LANGUAGE="en-GB">en-US</FALLBACK> <DEFAULT>en-GB</DEFAULT> </LANGUAGES> <VERSION> <MAJOR>10</MAJOR> <MINOR>0</MINOR> <BUILD>19044</BUILD> <SPBUILD>4170</SPBUILD> <SPLEVEL>0</SPLEVEL> <BRANCH>vb_release</BRANCH> </VERSION> <SYSTEMROOT>WINDOWS</SYSTEMROOT> </WINDOWS> <NAME>Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021</NAME> <DESCRIPTION>Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC 2021</DESCRIPTION> <FLAGS>EnterpriseSN</FLAGS> <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (without Store)</DISPLAYNAME> <DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>19044.4170 Windows 10 Enterprise N LTSC (without Store)</DISPLAYDESCRIPTION> </IMAGE> <TOTALBYTES>5727074240</TOTALBYTES> </WIM>
Test Convert 19044.4170 EnterpriseSN en-GB to 19044.1 EnterpriseG (without Store) zh-CN amd64 Code: ====================================================================================================================== 19041.1 Windows 10 Enterprise G (without Store) amd64 zh-CN has been successfully reconstructed on 2024/8/5 ====================================================================================================================== Mission took 0:22:5.26 (1325.26s total) Code: WIM XML Information: --------------------------- <WIM> <IMAGE INDEX="1"> <DIRCOUNT>18028</DIRCOUNT> <FILECOUNT>78283</FILECOUNT> <TOTALBYTES>13577635321</TOTALBYTES> <HARDLINKBYTES>6022760260</HARDLINKBYTES> <CREATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01DAE710</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x057F0887</LOWPART> </CREATIONTIME> <LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01DAE710</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0x057F0887</LOWPART> </LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <WIMBOOT>0</WIMBOOT> <WINDOWS> <ARCH>9</ARCH> <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME> <EDITIONID>EnterpriseG</EDITIONID> <INSTALLATIONTYPE>Client</INSTALLATIONTYPE> <SERVICINGDATA> <GDRDUREVISION>0</GDRDUREVISION> <PKEYCONFIGVERSION>10.0.19041.1;2016-01-01T00:00:00Z</PKEYCONFIGVERSION> <IMAGESTATE>IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE</IMAGESTATE> </SERVICINGDATA> <PRODUCTTYPE>WinNT</PRODUCTTYPE> <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE> <LANGUAGES> <LANGUAGE>zh-CN</LANGUAGE> <FALLBACK LANGUAGE="zh-CN">en-US</FALLBACK> <DEFAULT>zh-CN</DEFAULT> </LANGUAGES> <VERSION> <MAJOR>10</MAJOR> <MINOR>0</MINOR> <BUILD>19041</BUILD> <SPBUILD>1</SPBUILD> <SPLEVEL>0</SPLEVEL> <BRANCH>vb_release</BRANCH> </VERSION> <SYSTEMROOT>WINDOWS</SYSTEMROOT> </WINDOWS> <NAME>Windows 10 EnterpriseG</NAME> <DESCRIPTION>Windows 10 EnterpriseG</DESCRIPTION> <FLAGS>EnterpriseG</FLAGS> <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Enterprise G (without Store)</DISPLAYNAME> <DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>19041.1 Windows 10 Enterprise G (without Store)</DISPLAYDESCRIPTION> </IMAGE> <TOTALBYTES>3175616657</TOTALBYTES> </WIM>
Test Convert 19041.1 EnterpriseG zh-CN to 19045.4170 Core (with Store) cs-CZ amd64 Code: ====================================================================================================================== 19045.4170 Windows 10 Home (with Store) amd64 cs-CZ has been successfully reconstructed on 2024/8/5 ====================================================================================================================== Mission took 0:29:41.70 (1781.70s total) Code: WIM XML Information: --------------------------- <WIM> <IMAGE INDEX="1"> <DIRCOUNT>33990</DIRCOUNT> <FILECOUNT>123493</FILECOUNT> <TOTALBYTES>19818451183</TOTALBYTES> <HARDLINKBYTES>6098499362</HARDLINKBYTES> <CREATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01DAE714</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0xB9429954</LOWPART> </CREATIONTIME> <LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <HIGHPART>0x01DAE714</HIGHPART> <LOWPART>0xB9429954</LOWPART> </LASTMODIFICATIONTIME> <WIMBOOT>0</WIMBOOT> <WINDOWS> <ARCH>9</ARCH> <PRODUCTNAME>Microsoft® Windows® Operating System</PRODUCTNAME> <EDITIONID>Core</EDITIONID> <INSTALLATIONTYPE>Client</INSTALLATIONTYPE> <SERVICINGDATA> <GDRDUREVISION>0</GDRDUREVISION> <PKEYCONFIGVERSION>10.0.19041.4170;2016-01-01T00:00:00Z</PKEYCONFIGVERSION> <IMAGESTATE>IMAGE_STATE_GENERALIZE_RESEAL_TO_OOBE</IMAGESTATE> </SERVICINGDATA> <PRODUCTTYPE>WinNT</PRODUCTTYPE> <PRODUCTSUITE>Terminal Server</PRODUCTSUITE> <LANGUAGES> <LANGUAGE>cs-CZ</LANGUAGE> <FALLBACK LANGUAGE="cs-CZ">en-US</FALLBACK> <DEFAULT>cs-CZ</DEFAULT> </LANGUAGES> <VERSION> <MAJOR>10</MAJOR> <MINOR>0</MINOR> <BUILD>19045</BUILD> <SPBUILD>4170</SPBUILD> <SPLEVEL>0</SPLEVEL> <BRANCH>vb_release</BRANCH> </VERSION> <SYSTEMROOT>WINDOWS</SYSTEMROOT> </WINDOWS> <NAME>Windows 10 Core</NAME> <DESCRIPTION>Windows 10 Core</DESCRIPTION> <FLAGS>Core</FLAGS> <DISPLAYNAME>Windows 10 Home (with Store)</DISPLAYNAME> <DISPLAYDESCRIPTION>19045.4170 Windows 10 Home (with Store)</DISPLAYDESCRIPTION> </IMAGE> <TOTALBYTES>6179912449</TOTALBYTES> </WIM>
Unfortunatelly. I am succeded creating unstaged 26100 install.wim 28mb or 52 mb anyway. I am succeded fit all editions inside one install.wim index and make it updatable. I created updatable enterpriseg. I successfully removed enterprise edition and added enterprises edition. And had enterprises edition wirh store at original. That after oobe no need to wsreset -i My new aim is windows 11 lite edition with 1.5 gb size updatable and after update its size will not get bigger because uodates only updates existing packages. Not non existing packages. Also will be servisable I did all of them inspite of 860 pages of your garbage. If this topic were only 30 pages of usefully manual and stuff it will be more easy to understand what is going on for everybody. You are only filling this topic with garbage
Master, may we expect to see your construction of Starter 26100? Don't care much about activation or updates, I want it for academical interest only Language isn't important. Thanks!
Well, looks you are playing without even trying the result, as you have never tried to stay with uptime of few hours. The trick with Audit mode is well-known, but such a system can not be used in real life, due to reboots. My opinion: Achiving a stable, updatable system with non en-US/zh-CN language, that doesn't reboot each hour is a task worth doing. Other activities on creating image that would reboot each hour isn't worth time for install. September 2009 MDL was relaunched, so most of us has it as registration date. But someone does remember WES (weekend special of MDL) of year 2000.
My feedback, - used your steps from script, install worked well, WinX works, Settings too. But online updating fails: Have you tried to use WU? .NET & Defender updates work, LCUs fail. If you did same AzureStackHCI image with UI, - let me know please, if WU worked in your case. And quick question to you, as I seen you successfully created Starter 26100.1? Have you faced bcdboot problems on install?
Try updating with dism. My previous version was working. I have not tried this version. Previous version svf that shared with pm with you updating with dism but it has other problems. I was novice that time Maybe online update does not work because this system does not exist
Do we speak about AzureStackHCI with UI, that winosr25 posted? Updating with DISM is a workaround. If image doesn't work with WU it is again not a solution, but just a test for yourself, not for usage.