YOU ARE RIGHT !!! but i did not want to bother @xinso for that .And he doesn't want to be disturbed in private messages !!!!
Why are there Microsoft-OneCore-DeviceUpdateCenter-Package in these two places? What is the 804 standard editionspecific-enterprises-package.mum?
What is vNEXT IoTEnetrpriseS gonna be? Same image with EnterpriseS? Wondering how this works? Code: <mum2:customInformation xmlns:mum2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <mum2:noAutoMerge /> </mum2:customInformation> <selectable disposition="absent"> <detectNone default="true" /> <mum2:customInformation xmlns:mum2="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <mum2:EnableSelectabilityForEditions> <mum2:EnableSelectabilityForEdition name="Microsoft-Windows-IoTEnterpriseSEdition" /> </mum2:EnableSelectabilityForEditions> </mum2:customInformation>
OLD update technology from 10240.16384 to 17763.1 = The LCUs Detect existent package, if complete, update the package. Q: How new update technology works from 18362.1 forward? A: NEW update technology since 18362.1 = The LCUs install new mum, and update according to what is defined in the new mum.
Q: Why are there Microsoft-OneCore-DeviceUpdateCenter-Package in these two places? A: Have a think: Do you need one sub-package exists in multiple packages? Make sense?
Sessions.xml is only suitable for the initial version. After 18362, updates will change the package structure.
Clear now. Those packages shown on edition mum is System image. All others are Add-Ons, manually installed to System image. Hence, the creation processes of install.wim is as follows: <Session for System image <Session for System image language pack <Session for FOD 1 <Session for FOD 1 language pack (if available) <Session for FOD 2 <Session for FOD 3 . . .
Microsoft can do it (without the aid of an install.wim) to create an install.wim, we can't. Otherwise why should I ask how to?
I don’t know programming. In fact, how to make install.wim into a file downloaded by UUP? I can't understand.