Package Extraction is usual requirement for Reconstruction. Asking is not eternal solution. Go to Package Extractor thread and learn how to extract by yourself.
Thanks. Three quick questions about your 25398.1_Neutral_to_Client_amd64_38in1_26100_License script. Q1: We have discussed, that installing windows optional features is failing online. When I have created same image on 25398 system, the resulted install.wim works, - packages install online. Is that expected? Q2: Inside the neutral.wim there is installed package Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint-FoD-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~wow64~~10.0.25398.1 - without amd64 package. Why? Q3: In neutral.wim index 2 there is a package Microsoft-Hyper-V-ServerHyperCoreEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0 - why? No MUM/CAT inside the image, - can't uninstall. DISM /RestoreHealth doesn't like it. Thanks!
A1: Any package, if official or correctly extracted, can be installed online or offline, why not? A2: I remove all of them with dism command. And I did not check it. It should be removed like other packages. A3: I have no idea about it. The install.wim is converted from official 25393.1 Pro. And I did not add any package.
I have used script on server OS to make a WIM with working online add of components. Previously I have faced a problem, that any feature (let us say simplest - TFTP or Telnet) couldn't be enabled online. When recreated image on 25398, problem gone.
I have ran your 25398.1_Neutral_to_Client_amd64_38in1_26100_License script on 25398 server OS as host for DISM The resulted client WIM has no problems with enabling optional features online, unlike same install.wim, created on 19041 Sorry if was confusing about client->server, no. And as I said, in your neutral.wim index 2 there is a package Microsoft-Hyper-V-ServerHyperCoreEdition-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~10.0.14393.0 I haven't found it anywhere else in official ESDs
But I did not find it in the two wim as I'd shown and deleted. I just deleted non-related packages and posted. I did not touch neutral.wim. You delete the script, gone. Easy.
Thanks for explaining I understand that there was an insider build 25393.1 for client, and there was professional.esd and other ESDs in UUP But I have no idea where to take neutral from
Welcome Mr. zwl29107. For non-en-US, 950 and 1009 Language pack on 1085 won't work for Settings. 950 on 1009, OK. On 1009, 26100.1 IoTEnterpriseSK failed to activate for key not been accepted.
I'll make .1085 CU. License files for .1009 has been updated, which may be the reason. Try to replace them with 26100.15xx's?