For such a system the MAS v2.6 script can be modified to give a digital license: Replace: if exist "%SystemRoot%\Servicing\Packages\Microsoft-Windows-Server*Edition~*.mum" ( %eline% echo *** echo *** goto dk_done ) with: for /f "skip=1 tokens=3" %%i in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v EditionID') do set "EditionID=%%i" set "Server=%EditionID:~0,6%" if "%Server%"=="Server" ( %eline% echo *** echo *** goto dk_done )
The only solution to achieve it is by the 25941.1000 EditionSpecific packages from the leaked 25941.1000.230825-1352.rs_prerelease_CLIENT_ENTERPRISES_OEM_x64FRE_en-us.iso. Be aware: It's Time-Base Activation is about to expire around the 15th of Sep. 2024. PS1: Its "Servicing" is different to 26100.1. i.e. Another new build. If Reconstruction, it does not matter. If Construction\Unstaged, it matters. PS2: This is zwl29107's 26200 Edition Package.7z.
Skylined gives the answer upwards. Both client and server inside the same wim. Server does not removed. In any codition it is also difficult to do and need knowledge. I am suprised how dism does not look hklm\software\microsoft\windowsnt\currentversion key productkeys values and product option keys and let the wim update as server but every reg key is client. Also server roles and other stuff should be inside wim