No I never buy first gen, I look at two things stability of the product and the price. If you could take a holiday right now to anywhere, where would you go ?
Hmmmm.... California. If some random person on street offers you a high end laptop, would you take it?
No, i have all the computers i need. Plus i will not take stolen stuff. If you could go from where you are now, and you dug a hole through the earth all the way through and out the other end, where would you come out the other side of the world?
The sea, or Australia. Your replying to this question, and suddenly your OS just crashes and needs to restart. (Bluescreen etc..) Would you finish your reply as first when you come back?
16th year,I play basketball and in that age i have won with my brother many awards and meet very important people for my carrer.It´s still going very well but that 16th year was something awesome for me If you could be a different person for one day,who would you like to be and please say why?
I would like to be an Allied soldier on the Omaha Beach landing on 6th June 1944. I have an innate fascination with World War 2 and the people involved with it. I think that generation is without a doubt the greatest ever and I wouldn't mind spending a day there to experience it, if I lived that long. If you could change one thing on Earth, what would it be ?
i would get rid of the Sun. if you were to take a person with you on a stranded island for the rest of your life,who would it be?
It would definetly be a woman,that likes making love and is friendly What would you like to change on people?
Because MDL has many friendly members and the threads are good,for my opinion If somebody would give you a MILLION DOLLARS what are the first THREE things you would do,or buy?
I would "spy" on some people to find out what I wanted mr. half-biscuit. What would you do if you had control of an F-16 jet?