An OS can't SAVE or RUIN my life....... Though I can say the the portability feature of win 8 in a pendrive......... How did you find MDL?
While looking for infos on Windows 7 beta Why do you like Windows 8? (question is not for Windows 8 haters ofc )
I love all features from w8, but not the metro-ui and the new logo How many beta download on 29th. do you think?
Hmm, seeing WDP was around 500000 in 12 hours and probably 1000000 in one day and that this is a CP and not a DP do I think more. So I will say around 1.2 million downloads. Did you ever thought of visiting the Netherlands?
Yes I have thought of it meeting my MDL holland friends. What is the best thing about the country where you live?
the many open-minded people here. what do you do when you see the directory structure collapse on your harddisk?
Depends on version of windows, W9x - scandisk, w2k - chkdsk /r, if none helps command that I like the most FORMAT. What was your first girlfriend/boyfriend name?
Frankly speaking it was my 2005's diary.....She was my first girlfriend.......I named her as "EVERYTHING"..... What is the brand of your first laptop/computer?
Israel. Because, well, of course, it's the country of the birth of Christ. Who's the best poster in MDL?