@ timesurfer, i think if you actually tried autoit you will see it blows AutoHotkey away. And the autoit forums are full of information and examples even tutorials but you can't mention keygens e.c.t on there.
Ok I'm still at the very beginning of scripting so tell me why ahk blows? I mean autoit's a nice site but why is it better? Calistoga do you have words on this? Are they even nicer at Auto? Besides autoit being paranoid with anti-pirate stuff. Ahk didn't even bat an eye when I did the IR4 GUI at .ahk Dude
I do prefer AutoIt myself, some examples why: AHK Code: IfWinExists() AU3 Code: If WinExists() Then Can you spot the difference? That space between "If" and "WinExists" is important, because it makes "If" a keyword in itself, as it is in other languages. I usually do C# programming, so the following feels natural to me: Code: If (WinExists("[CLASS:Progman]")) Then That wouldn't look too good with Code: (IfWinExists("[CLASS:Progman]")) The AutoIt guys might be paranoid, but it it to ensure the survival of a quality community. If the language was blacklisted by AV-companies again, a lot of businesses would move away from it. Naturally, a lot of competent members of the forum would then leave, and slowly the language would die. I haven't checked the AHK site for UDF's but the one available for AutoIt is vast. There's almost not a single thing that haven't been written in AutoIt, and whose source is available online. Obscure Windows API functions you never heard of? WinAPIEx.au3 is your UDF. One thing I would love AutoIt to steal from AHK though, is the curly braces {}. This is how Au3 looks now: Code: If (WinExists()) Then EndIf What I would like it to look like: Code: If (WinExists()) { } This is a few reasons why I prefer Au3