You are not going wrong anywhere - it's the Microsoft retards bent on breaking the task scheduler even more instead of fixing the known issues. It used to be enough to just add /V1 parameter to fix the /ONIDLE task to set the duration (/I), but it turns out ALL related parameters are bugged no matter if set or not. But no worries, I've come up with a simple workaround: Code: powershell -c "start schtasks -arg ('/Create /RU System /NP /RL HIGHEST /F /TN ShutdownOnIdle /V1 /SC ONIDLE /I 1 /TR '+[char]34+'cmd /c timeout /T 900 && shutdown /s /hybrid /t 0 /d p:0:0'+[char]34) -verb runas" Change the idle duration after the timeout /T parameter - above set to 900 = 15 minutes x 60 seconds. - Idle detection happens every 10(5?) minutes by default if no screen saver / turn off monitor is set, so keep that in mind (substract it from the number of seconds you're gonna use for /T - for example if the display is set to power off after 2 minutes idle, then to shutdown at precisely 15 minutes you would use (15-2) x 60 = 780). Also added the planned parameter to the shutdown command so that it generates an information event log instead of an error. I have tested this workaround on Pro v1903 and it works as expected: as soon as PC enters idle mode, cmd starts counting down then shuts down. If interrupting the idle mode before the count down finishes, shutdown is aborted. I see no reason why it would not work on all Windows 10 versions.
Wow so complicated I will give this a test thank you for all your help ideally once all is finally resolved I would like the time to be set for 2 hrs shutdown when idle so what on earth would the final powerscript be for this task to work on that figure ?