The performances are good, but this is not a film star who lives in a great value for professionals, although Sigorney Weaver does not shine and gives a very convincing performance, as well as the rest of the cast. But there is so much entertainment value and functioning of the human factor on the screen does not handle as usual.
Acrsn´s avatar is awesome,i say the avatar on a site,so i think tommorow i have a new one but what happend? Of course Sir acrsn had him before me snief snief So i took this evil one that i use currently acrsn,yen,Dareck,Jayblok,Yen,R29k,Josh,nawzil,ancestor these avatars are my Fav´s whooooaaaa x86 is simple but liked it from the beginning. YEN love your avatar 1++++ and a big star for you
Hehe ... you must like it a lot since you mentioned him twice already Can't blame you; it's very nice indeed
@ HAHA didn´t even notice that i mentioned him twice,now he probably thinks i´m attracted to him what a shame
timesurfer's view on the subject (on an older thread) sums it up for me as well Can't help but thinking that the avatar would look even better if it was animated i.e. kid drawing anarchy sign and then ... being chased by cops
For me, I like jayblock's avatar acrsn's tiemsurfer's x86's I want to half_man_half_buscuit's avatar. What avatar I like most is mine... LOL
Hehe, I kinda like it ... And perhaps the man himself can shed some light here; is that an Anime / Manga character? Which series No argue with that Wish I had a computer when I was his age ... this is one of (many!) privileges of being young today i.e. being involved with technology comes as 'standard'
I have watched the original (and the best!) Japanese Ringu - and there doesn't seem to be a resemblance with Sadako... Must be from somewhere else
I wouldn't have known as I haven't watched the US version Btw, is it any good (compared to the Japanese)
Yes, we all wish that we were born in this time "maybe after a while we say, "we wish that we were born after that time""