asus P6T SE bios mod request Hi, does anyone have a p6t se bios can active vista? I am looking for one can active vista, best to use asus slic. Thanks
Hi Racerpro, Glad you got both XP & Vista activated. MSI didn't put the FUJITSU in there for the purpose of slp activation but that's a positive side effect of it being there. I think I've seen Hewlett in an Asus bios also. Sometimes we get lucky with extra names! Code: Offset 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 00005F10 5B A4 5A 9A 5A 48 59 55 4E 44 41 49 20 48 59 32 [¤ZšZHYUNDAI HY2 00005F20 39 46 30 34 30 41 00 4D 58 49 43 20 4D 32 39 46 9F040A.MXIC M29F 00005F30 2F 4C 56 30 34 30 00 41 4D 44 20 41 4D 32 39 46 /LV040.AMD AM29F 00005F40 30 34 30 42 00 46 55 4A 49 54 53 55 20 4D 42 4D 040B.FUJITSU MBM 00005F50 32 39 46 30 34 30 41 00 50 4D 43 20 33 39 46 30 29F040A.PMC 39F0 00005F60 34 30 00 53 54 20 4D 32 39 46 30 34 30 42 00 50 40.ST M29F040B.P
Just tryed the original bios without MOD, Wow its also slow, so I guess my own mod version worked. But I will not recomend to use F4 its slow as hell, I used about 1min b4 windows is starting to boot.