w90vp Hey, caught this site while searching about bios unlocking and i was wondering if you would be able to help out the laptop community. Over at notebookreview theres a 700 something page thread for the w90 and many of us are starting to run the qx9300, issue is were locked at about a 3.0ghz clock on the stock voltages for the quadcore 9300. Funny thing is that the quadcore we put in to replace the dualcore gets LESS voltage then the dualcore does. Were hoping you can help us by unlocking a hidden voltage option in the bios or even just allowing the voltage we get for the dual on the quadcore. This chip can supposedly hit 3.6ghz fairly easily as advertised by intel and we'd like to see that for ourselves. Im unsure what model the motherboard is but its running an x38 chipset if thats any consellation. Well do whatever it takes to get this unlocked and are willing to provide any details we can. Away from my computer that has the bios on it atm (one on asus site is corrupt) but ill throw it up when i get on. In the meantime what do you guys think? Possible?
Select ACPI from top menu ACPI table should appear the select SLIC you should see if HP SLIC has been added. FixedBit's oem maker is for making windows home server 2003 it doesn't use SLIC but SLP server 2008 will activate with SLIC but to check if SLP is there do search on forum for oembios.exe
@behaviour: After flash did you clear cmos and load defaults??? This needs to be done. @For all bios uploads.........A humble request 1-The files need to be in a folder and zipped. This lessens the chance of someone trying to flash a corrupted file. 2- All factory files should be left in the folder. Most of the flash tools are bios specific. Backup bios is optional, and may add confusi9on for inexperienced users..I have downloaded and included the necessary dos flash tools not included in the file ..foxconn, biostar, and asus come to mind.. 3- If a mod is made, please specify which method is used. I have been negligent of this, but I see its usefulness in TS. Also if the mod was manual or tool modified..This is good for us to keep tabs on possible bugs.. Any opinions on these are welcome.....