Forgive me but I'm lost now...the original file name is L1N64-SLI-ASUS-WS-0505.ROM which is more than 8 letters long. The Modified file is L1N64-SLI-ASUS-WS-0505_SLIC.ROM which adds more letters than 8. I renamed the modified file with the asus slick to L1N64_SLIC.ROM. So, what name should I use? Should I rename the modified slic file to LIN64.ROM - would this work when flashing the bios?
0505.rom The winflash, and probably EZFlash wont care. DOS programs sometimes have a problem with more than eight characters. You can try ezflash, it wont hurt none... AFUDOS /I0505.ROM Unless AFUDOS has changed..I haven't had an AMI bios in a LOOOOOONG time...
Got it....thanks 911Medic....I am about to contact my sister and begin the process...will let you know what happens later.
911Medic: It worked like a sister's bios was successfully flashed and her windows vista is activated...she has a 64 bit system..... Andy's AMI Slic Tool worked like magic and went off without a hitch...Andy, you are the man and 911Medic, you are also the man...thanks guys.