Also install the Asus cert & make sure you used a slp product key. If you did those things then we'll need to you to check Everest under Motherboard-ACPI for SLIC, and copy SLIC data to a file to check.
FieldValue ACPI Table Properties ACPI SignatureSLIC Table DescriptionSoftware Licensing Description Table Memory AddressBFF90440h Table Length374 bytes OEM ID_ASUS_ OEM Table IDNotebook OEM Revision20090209h Creator IDMSFT Creator Revision00000097h OK so still the same, so this is what Everest has under ACPI-SLIC, seems odd as its a desktop Im on not a notebook but guess something changed somewhere just not the lock on the BIOS, hope this can help
We can double-check the SLIC in RAM if you do this: Run HWDirect Double click Memory Dump Enter: Physical Address: BFF90440 Size: 176 Click Dump Right click in box and click Select All Right click again and click Copy Run Winhex Click Edit -> Clipboard Data -> Paste Into New File Click Ascii Hex Click File -> Save Type a name like "slic.bin" Upload the file and post the link If the SLIC matches Asus SLIC then it isn't the bios, but something about your Windows installation. If there is a problem with the SLIC in RAM we can try a different kind of mod.