Welcome back..You seem to be a bit of a legend around here. I have learned a lot from your mods in the past, and certainly now that you are back!!! Regards-Steve
Thanks my dear friend. Maybe you should wrote "I was a bit of legend" and even in this way or writing, I don't know if I really was or am a bit of legend or not, only time will tell it. In the past, many modders liked to "manual" modify bios experiencing new modding methods. Now with more sofisticated and automatic techniques, like the andyp's tools or something similar, anyone could make his own modded bios with poor percentage of risk. As far as I know AMI Bioses are a kind of joke so far, while Award bios sometimes require manual modding. In the past I remember I like to use manual superstatic method (aka SSV2 and SSV3), sometimes I used ISA or OEM7 method, while on Asus bioses (already having SLIC calls indise them) you could even add BBMarker and BBPubkey (easiest way). Now SLP has been upgraded to 2.1 but I think SLIC method will be the same (being slic tables of the same lenght of the old one). Anyway I'd like to upgrade my knowledges but I don't know what else changed since my last visit (2008).
Welcome back! - Learnt a lot looking at your modded bioses. Just in time for Win 7 - we are assembling a great team here
Both slic only show 00 00 00 00 Yes and diferent ways with switch and no switch. I dont understant, but the computer works and activated vista sp2 very well but with slic 2.0. Last time i use amibios from andyp 1.20 in dinamic the same issue slic 2.0 in both slics.
How to mod ASUS M2A-VM HDMI by SLIC 2.1 I successfully mod M2A-VM HDMI by using bbpubkey and bbmarker. However, I failed to use new awardtool105 tools to import SLIC 2.1 Dell_qa9.bin into bios file for coming Windows 7. Tools said sccuess imported. I flash my board bios and use everestultimate to read ACPI. The information still old. I guess marker is unable to be updated. Any idea on this issue?