Possibly but this code in the main module (this is the ACPI construction code that I disassembled for the dynamic method) suggests that when there is a pubkey/marker the OEM/table ID is copied: Code: seg000:62C4 cmp eax, 43494C53h ; SLIC seg000:62CA jnz short loc_62D3 seg000:62CC test byte ptr [bp+4CDh], 1 seg000:62D1 jnz short loc_6322 ; Loop seg000:62D3 seg000:62D3 loc_62D3: ; CODE XREF: sub_6299+31j seg000:62D3 test byte ptr [bp+4CDh], 1 seg000:62D8 jnz short loc_62DD ; - seg000:62DA call sub_6335 ; Move 14 bytes from 6F00:C (in SLIC marker) to ES:SI+0Ah - ? OEM/Table ID seg000:62DD seg000:62DD loc_62DD: ; CODE XREF: sub_6299+3Fj seg000:62DD cmp eax, 5246534Fh ; OSFR seg000:62E3 jnz short loc_62EF seg000:62E5 test byte ptr [bp+4CDh], 2 seg000:62EA jnz short loc_6322 ; Loop seg000:62EC call sub_6351 However, it wouldn't be too hard to patch the RSDT/XSDT table(s) to test!! Andy
Msi megabook m670 slic 2.0 in rw 1.3 View attachment AcpiTbls MSI M670.rar Im doing something wrong? I have try your bios once more time with switch afu414sd.exe /i1632nms.70c /pbnc /n (the same in rw 1.3, slic 2.0 on the two slics)
Msi slic with two slic in it This is the first bios with this two slics in bios that i have seen so far. Can somebody update the info in the bios to be modded with msi slic 2.1?