you always say after having modded a BIOS "Flash from DOS if possible. Clear CMOS and load defaults after flash." What does this mean? Is it correct to follow the following steps? - Flash your Bios from DOS - after successful Flash restart computer - go to BIOS Setup to load factory defaults (select Load Optimized Defaults) - shut down computer - power off power supply and unplug the power cord - set the clear CMOS jumper - remove the battery from the battery holder and wait for 2 minutes - press power button to reset the remainig tension - Replace the battery, plug in the power cord and restart your computer - go to BIOS Setup to load factory defaults (select Load Optimized Defaults) - now let the computer load the operating system - now restart the PC - go to BIOS Setup to modify the settings as they were before the Bios Flash and restart PC Can somebody say me if this step by step is O.K. ???
to Mr Been Hello Mr Been, Looks good to me, except you do not need to load the OS then change the settings you had before you did anything with the BIOS. Just go directly the BIOS and change the settings you want save and exit.
After clearing cmos and loading the defaults, you can simply restart and reset your bios to your preferences. You need not boot to OS first. You may need to set boot drive, etc. You also do not need to remove the battery, if you have a cmos jumper... IMO. You can just unplug the machine, set jumper for a min or so, reset jumper and fire it up. It need not be a long, extended process..
Forgive me GraceSlic, but all I can find is the M3A790GXH/128M, and the A790GMH/128M. Neither of those are my MB (the A790GXH/128M. If the BIOS for my board is there, I'm afraid that even the search function can't find it. Could I ask you to link me to it please? Thanks for the help. TXH
Sorry i downloaded the wrong one A790GMH/128M but have since downloaded A790GXH/128M as i said use andyp's tool i can mod it
@urie Most excellent, friend. As I'm a bit new to this particular bit of digital wizardry, can I choose any manufacturer I'd like since I homebuilt my rig? If so, if ASRock is an option, might as well go with that. Thanks again! (Can't say that too often, right?) TXH @911medic I had to be sure that the model number confusion was settled first m8. You guys run a pretty tight ship around here, I'm wishing I'd found this sooner!