I tried all the ways but vista refuses to activate using the SLIC2.1, i use correct Key and certificate. if i just flash the original HP bios then it is activated imediately
Part of the flash sequence is the erasure of code from the flash rom. When you say you are flashing "over" the SLIC 2.0, this is incorrect. When you flash the bios, You are removing(erasing) the old information (code), and reinserting new code. This is why repeated flashing brings increased risk. The more you remove and reinsert information, the greater chance of error doing same...simple prob stat... At any rate, some of the code does not get removed and rewritten; the boot block specifically. Some of the folks here recommend a complete flash with new, unodded bios; then flash modded bios without switches..I say to flash the mod, then clear te cmos and load the defaults is sufficient in most cases..this cuts down on the probability of borked flash..Just my opinion Enjoy the added function(?) with 02.1 SLIC (win7)...
I am going to modify the original bios of gigabyte to a HP 2.1 Slic and flash the bios with it.....thanks.
Thank you for the reply. If you would please use the Dell SLIC, I would appreciate it very much. Could you provide a link to the Dell certificate?