EVGA strikes again...LOL Need some time to get this one right.. Did you clear the cmos after flash???
Ok, I am lost of this one....I will consult with 911Medic, Zort or Yen on this one...with the tools that I used, it showed it to be successfully modified with the 0+2 Method. I do apologize and am glad that you were able to recover.
It is the latter..I do not know if I will have time to address this completely. I may try to quick ed. it though... Have at it.
Yes, i was going to RMA my board but my buddy say he got the same board as mine so i ask him if he would help me out by letting do an experiment and he say sure so that's why i took my bios and reflash it while it was in dos mode on his board. Anyway everything is working fine for me now, i didn't have to RMA anything. It's nice of you to apologize but really you don't have to cuz i know the what the risk were when messing with the bios. Thanks a lot tho busy.
You can only have ONE slic in the bios..This has been discussed many times.. You can have as many SLP as space will allow
You cannot have 2 SLCS but can have as many SLP as will allow....So, since Windows 7 is coming out and requires SLIC 2.1 to activate as OEM and since it also activates Vista, it would be better to have a SLIC 2.1 let me know what you want