When I posted your modified bios information, I wrongly said that I gave you an HP Certificate. That is not correct, I gave a DELL Certificate which is what I used to modify your bios.
Emaxx suggestion on their website for your particular BIOS recommends AFUDOS....that is where I got the information. Afudos is included in the download link of your modified bios.
Noted! The reason why I used AWDFLASH instead of AFUDOS is because I had problem using it. It returned something like "command error". By using AWDFLASH I was able to use the modified BIOS (modified by you). I will post the results of the new BIOS files you provided once done. One more thing, how did you modify the Manufacturer, Product Name in the BIOS file? Did you use the same tool (Award Mod Tool)? Please advise. Many thanks!
Your bios is still going to allow you to update ASUS update files....the only thing is you have HP SLIC rather than an ASUS SLIC....this will not affect updates.
from Everest SLIC: Software Licensing Description Table ACPI Table Properties ACPI SignatureSLIC Table DescriptionSoftware Licensing Description Table Memory Address000FF200h Table Length374 bytes OEM IDDELL OEM Table IDQA09 OEM Revision42302E31h Creator IDNVDA Creator Revision0100000Eh