Thanks for the rapid response. I have extracted the osb_bmp files, but they refuse to open in windows or photoshop. With a little logic I have figured out that 64N4IMB.bmp must be "Intel MotherBoard" logo and 64N4IPP.bmp must be "Intel Pentuim Processor" logo. Thanks for the help!
The format is unknown to me.. Seems to be AWDBMD..maybe using one of the AWDBMP tools..MAYBE. I think it you simpy zero the files out and reinsert them, it will be ok. The only problem may be the Meminit module. Only one should not be a problem, but these are known to be sensitive to offset change. We call them sensible modules for this feature..If you ever hear of this verbage in convo here.. Usually, being very general, one Sensible module, no problem two sensible modules, be careful moving them three or more and they MUST be kept at their offsets. For FYI..
Sorry about incomplete, but info is every where here, and on the net. Just be careful. It is not difficult, but can be problematic..