The oem table id is oke, all asus slic modded bioses shows up in that way. You did import the certificate & used a slp2.0 key?
If you have a floppy drive you can try a bios recovery. 1. make a bootable floppy. 2. copy you're flash program (awdflash ) & bios to the floppy 3. create a text file, open it and add; @ECHO OFF awdflash biosfilename.BIN /py/sn/f/cc/r 4. Save text file as: autoexec.bat 5. Copy autoexec.bat to floppy. Recovery floppy made, now you can try it. Incase recovery doesn't work and if the bios chip sits in a socket then you can try a hotflash on a other mobo or buy a repacement chip. Otherwise it is to the shop.