Your board may be dificult to mod, but it is the best one I've ever seen for Over Clocking. It has all the posible features, settings, timings, voltage controls, e.t.c. and it even has 5 banks in wich you can save 5 deferent bios setups.
Nice to haer that it worked... It seemed to risky for me to do the manual mod by extracting, releasing and reordering the modules. But that's why the more expirienced moders are, to help the requesters and to tech as the les expirienced how to do it.
@ Fzeven, ASUS Crosshair 1103 There have been a few different versions of this BIOS posted over the last 300 pages. Threre has been success with some and you have then produced later ones after. On the off-chance that you may have had feedback via PM that I am not aware about, which SLIC BIOS for the ASUS Crosshair would you recommend me to use? Thanks in advance, MK.
@Dark_Angle, I've been trying to mod your bios, but I havent been able to extract it. Do the folowing to see if anything can be done: Install and open hwdirect, go to memory dump. Enter fff00000 without "h" and size 100000 without "h", press dump. Right click into window, select all, right click again, copy. Paste as new file into winhex. (Open winhex and press Shift + insert key) Make sure ASCII-hex is selected. Save file and upload, please! To get Hwdirect to run under 64 bit, press F8 at startup and disable driver enforcement. This will last for one session only and allows Hwdirect to run. Note. The same goes for @uruk007.