well whatever I did, its working now, I think I ACCIDENTLY flashed the unmodded 703 bios, vista reports its now activated after I went back and re flashed being DOUBLE sure i used the right bios modded file!! thanks Frez!!
oh and anyone know of a forum post, or forum url where they have the slic 2 keys? ive been using forever the asus general key from the begining the 6*** something or other.. still works and worked for this slic
haha im such a retard, slp 2.0 is vista activation, slp 1.0 is windows xp volume. slap me man!! sometimes i need to be beat like a rabid billy goat on crack!! lol
Petar I have question ! tell me if I flash from my mobo it have funtion Upgrade Bios Do I need to change the ***.bin to ***.bf or ***.bs ?? because when I upgrade bios from mobo it said load file fail