1. index1489

    index1489 MDL Novice

    Oct 15, 2010
    NEED HELP! Possible to Add P4 Prescott Support to this Board?

    I have a Sony VAIO PCV-V200G (ALL IN ONE) Desktop PC which uses a s**tty proprietary board made by ASUS, called Pizza, with no Bios updates ever avalible from sony.

    Infact someone requested to had this BIOS Modded I can't add URLS so I quoted his text and attached BIOS Files...

    Quote "ASUS inside Sony PCV-V1 Can someone help for the following BIOS? - I've been struggling with it...

    -Motherboard Manufacturer and Model : Sony PCV-V1)
    -Bios Revision : 2001 'PIZZA'
    -Bios Type : Award
    -Bios SLIC : Not present
    -Bios Link : Not available on VAIO link

    System date: 21 Nov 2003
    Chipset: SiS651
    Socket: 478

    The PC is Sony VAIO desktop, but the motherboard is an ASUS and can perhaps be flashed with another BIOS?" End Quote

    My Northwood P4 2.8 died, I have a prescott CPU I put in, but didn't post, needs a BIOS update.

    Can anyone help?
    Can send you some cash via paypal if you get this working!

  2. lucke77

    lucke77 MDL Novice

    Aug 15, 2010
    For Serg008...

    bios Mods for Hp-Compaq mini 700 el works fine.

  3. broly10000

    broly10000 MDL Novice

    Oct 17, 2010
    #20866 broly10000, Oct 17, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2010
    Gigabyte GA-870A-UD3 SLIC 2.1
    Manufacturer: Gigabyte
    Motherboard: GA-870A-UD3
    Bios Type: AWARD
    BIOS Revision: F3D
    Bios Link: download.gigabyte.us/FileList/BIOS/mb_bios_ga-870a-ud3_v.2.x_f3d.exe

    SLIC: HP Slic 2.1

    Mod method: FACS, Left everything else untouched.
    Link: megaupload.com/?d=HO6LG17M

    Mod method: SSv3 (ACPITbl at End)
    Link: megaupload.com/?d=DQQ9JJNL

    Flash from DOS with included Flash Utility .
    Please post results. Dont have this board yet (Will in a few weeks)
  4. Jonatham

    Jonatham MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009
    Good morning :)
    I own an Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H rev. 1.1 and I've already got it working with F11 modded bios succesfully and activated in Windows 7. However, I do need to upgrade to a X6 processor and they're supported on F12B bios only. Somebody have already modded it with Gigabyte Slic and cert. ?

    More info:

    Gigabyte GA-MA78GM-S2H Rev. 1.1
    Manufacturer: Gigabyte
    Motherboard: GA-MA78GM-S2H
    Bios Type: AWARD
    BIOS Revision: F12B
    Bios Link: h ttp : / / download . gigabyte. eu / FileList /BIOS/ mb_bios_ga-ma78gm-s2h_f12b.exe

    (just remove the spaces from the link)

    Thank you in advance and have you people a good day :)
  5. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
  6. Jonatham

    Jonatham MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009
    Thank you a lot :)

    I will try it for sure but I have some questions:

    I already have the F11 bios modded and running. Do I need to unload the cert. in windows 7? If yes, how can I do it? Also, may I do directly update to this modded F12B or do I need to flash with the original F12B first? Also, it is safe to update it using the q-flash utility (built-in gigabyte flasher in bios setup that allows me to update it using a pendrive, just like asus ez-flash)?

    Once again, thank you very much :)
  7. Serg008

    Serg008 MDL BIOS/EFI Guru

    Feb 23, 2010
    If you have F11 with Gig2.1 Slic, then do not need.
    Flash F12b bios, then after reboot, flash F12b with Slic.
    I usually use for bios flashing the FLASHSPI utility from bootable Floppy or USB Flash.
  8. Jonatham

    Jonatham MDL Novice

    Dec 26, 2009
    Well, I did the flash now and it worked perfectly :)

    Also, just to give you a proper feedback, I plugged an old hard disc and did a clean install of windows seven and I was able to install the certificate with no errors and even to validate windows in MS site.

    Thank you a lot for your help :hug2: