That was it. My friend (who this is for) told me he'd updated the BIOS already, after double checking, he'd updated to an older revision. Cert and key installed without a hitch. Thanks
Looking for a mod for a board previously posted. I do believe it has an AMI string, and it would be helpful if someone with more experience could help me on this. This board has been posted and supposedly has an ami string, however it's not had a mod posted yet. Any slic is fine, acer, hp etc -Manufacturer: INTEL -Motherboard Model: D945GCL -Bios revision: CF94510J[1].15A.0038 -Bios Type: AMI? -Bios Download Link: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Do you happen to know what the /z switch does? The BIOS file from Gigabyte's site has it in the autoexec.bat. Using /? to list the switches doesn't show it.