-Manufacturer: INTEL -Motherboard Model: D945GCL -Bios revision: CF94510J[1].15A.0038 -Bios Type: AMI? -New Bios Link: mediafire.com/?i80ediraya8i4dk -Download virus scan report: virustotal.com/file-scan/report.html?id=b3ea7093ee0a965ccdb47f32033eff60efa71f27973095613e0f893d7b963fc1-1295471323 I know you guys typically prefer a link directly from the main site, however gateways site links aren't static. I uploaded one, and for ease of mind, submitted it for a scan. Thanks in advance if this is able to be moded, the cert/slic brand doesnt matter, however I'm not sure which update utility to use as it's not listed on the site.
That does NOT contain an AMI Bios, it is an Intel BIOS. You will have to search the Forums and see if anyone has been able to successfully mod these.
Hello, I am requesting this 2.1 bios mod wich is no longer available on the site -Manufacturer: Gigabyte -Motherboard Model: GA-8I945PE OEM for FSC -Bios revision: 10P -Bios Type: AWARD -AWARD SLIC Mod v1.16 Thank you,