I'll post the screen shots tonight. Both screens showed good for cert + bios. I am however having other issues activating but they're probably mine. Not sure which key to use and how the activation happens or if the slmgr part just immediately activates the machine or not. Didn't have much time to play with it before I left to work. Will keep you updated.
[ yup, that's exactly what I did. But for some reason it was still saying trial activation. I'll take a look and try a different cd key possibly? Maybe it's because I upgraded my vista x64 ultimate > win7 x64 oem ultimate
Motherboard Manufacturer and model: Asrock P4S61 Bios revision: 2.50 Bios Type: Ami Slick: acer slp: acer Cert: acer Biosd link: hxxp://xww.asrock.com/MB/download.asp?Model=P4S61&o=BIOS
strange, I booted up today and it was activated? I rebooted a few times last night and it wasn't... I didn't do anything special but this it definitely worked. Here's the pics (sorry, I don't have enough posts to put a real URL) photobucket.com/wpc1